An evaluation of information is the part of the comparison of XML files with the object configuration and the comparison of object configuration with XML Repository. The comparison is described more detailed in the description of activity. There are evaluated the CVS information and also the information related to XML Repository.

The information is evaluated for:

Evaluation of information for XML file

When some errors occur during a file parsing or XML file is unreadable the other information will not be evaluated.

Error values:

  • CVS date is undefined or its value is invalid
  • CVS revision is undefined or its value is invalid
  • CRC value is undefined or invalid

Error relations among values:

  • file name (without the suffix xml) differs from the object name stated in XML file
  • CVS date is valid and it is less or equal to object modification time stated in XML file

CVS date and CVS revision are the part of CVS information of XML file. CRC value belongs to reserved CRC section of XML file. Object name (value of <Name> element in  <TObjItemData> structure) together with the object modification time (value of <ModifyTime> element in <TObjItemData> structure) are the part of reserved CFGRECORDS section.

The fact that CVS date of object is valid and it is not higher than object modification time stated in XML file means that XML file contains the modified CVS version of object.

Evaluation of information for object from configuration

Error values:

  • CVS date is undefined or its value is invalid
  • CVS revision is undefined or its value is invalid
  • CVS state has the CVS Dirty value

CVS date, CVS revision and CVS state are the part of CVS attributes of object in D2000 System.

The fact that CVS state has CVS Dirty value means that the object of D2000 System represents the modified CVS version of object.

Evaluation of information for XML file assigned to object from configuration

In this case it is supposed the XML file was read correctly so the information is available.

Error relations among the values:

  • connection error - identification data are different
  • conflict of CVS dates - CVS date of XML file is not higher than CVS date of object
  • conflict of CVS revisions - CVS revision of XML file is not higher than the CVS revision of object

The connection error means that the UID of object already exists in XML file and it is different from the UID of object from the configuration of D2000 System, or the object name existing in XML file is different from the name of object from configuration of D2000 System.

UID of object (value of <uuid> element in <TObjItemData> structure) and the object name (value of <Name> element in <TObjItemData> structure) are placed in reserved CFGRECORDS section in XML file.

The conflict of CVS dates as well as the conflict of CVS revisions will be evaluated only when both the dates or both the revisions are stated. Whether the conflict is a strong inequality or not depends on the parameter Allow the equality at comparison of CVS date or CVS revision in pairs in the dialog box showing the CVS information.

Evaluation of the comparison as a whole

The comparison can contain:

  1. only the information about XML file,
  2. only the information about object from configuration,
  3. XML file assigned to object from configuration (pair).

The comparison can be evaluated as:

  • without changes, it represents a total equality of XML file and object from the configuration of D2000 System (both CVS values and data of pair are equal)
  • changes without conflicts:
    • the record contains only XML file or only the object from configuration, it includes neither the error values nor the error relation among values
    • the record represents the pair, it includes neither the error values nor the error relation among values and CVS version is upgraded (XML file has the higher version then the object from configuration)
    • the record represents the pair and only the object from configuration contains the error values (mainly a state CVS Dirty), the other data are equal (warning! CVS values are not equal)
  • changes with conflicts:
    • the record contains only XML file or only the objects from configuration, it contains some of error values or the error state among the values
    • the record represents the pair that has been classified neither as the record without changes nor as the record with changes and without conflicts

Note: The fact that only the object from configuration (in pair) contains the error values but the other data are equal, means the object of given CVS version was modified on application, exported into XML file, the CVS version of XML file was upgraded by WinCvs and finally, this XML file was imported back to application in user.

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