Error state handler ON ERROR

An error handler method may be controlled by using these actions:

ON ERROR action sets a behaviour of the script interpreter when an error occurs, as follows:

ON ERROR NONE - sets the default error handler (termination of the script execution).

ON ERROR Label - setting of an error handler. If an error occurs, the script will not be terminated, but the interpreter will jump to the given label. The predefined local variables _ERR_NR, _ERR_MSG and _ERR_LINE automatically get the error description before the jump. Within the error handler, it is allowed to perform the actions RETRY (repeated execution of the action that caused the error) or RESUME (the script proceeds in execution after the action that caused the error). The label must be placed in the same procedure as the action (or in the initialization part).

ON ERROR OFF - if an error occurs, the processing sequence of actions is not interrupted and the local variables _ERR_NR, _ERR_MSG a _ERR_LINE are adjusted. Testing  of _ERR_NR may detect and handle the error. In this mode, the access to the variable _ERR_NR (value reading) will set this variable to _ERR_NO_ERROR value. The object will be reopened.

ON ERROR ON - recovery of the error handling state that was valid before ON ERROR OFF action.

A change of error behaviour setting is valid only within the particular code section (procedure,...). If the action is used in a procedure, changes in the setting are cancelled after its termination and set to the state defined before the procedure was called.

If an error occurs in a procedure, there are the possibilities, according to the error handling setting:

  • If a procedure defines the error handling ON ERROR, then the error is to be processed according to the description above
  • If a procedure does not define the error handling, then the procedure is terminated and the error behaves as if it occurred in the action of calling a procedure:

  IF 1
  THEN     ; error occurs here
END Proc

  CALL Proc

Event written in this way will be terminated with an error.

 IF 1 THEN     ; error occurs here
END Proc

 ON ERROR ErrorHandler

 CALL Proc

Error that occurs in the procedure Proc will terminate it. Since the error is not handled, the error acts as if it occurred during the execution of the action CALL Proc and thus ErrorHandler will be called.

 ON ERROR ErrorHandlerProc
 IF 1 THEN     ; error occurs here

END Proc

 ON ERROR ErrorHandler
 CALL Proc

An error that occurs in Proc procedure will cause jumping to ErrorHandlerProc. Since the error is handled, the procedure will be normally terminated and ErrorHandler will not be called.

Error status is described by line number where the error occurred (from the view of ESL script that forms the error description), error code (Error codes) and detail error description in some cases.

Above mentioned is followed by complete call dump (CALL action) by which the action (ended by error) was performed. Detail description of call dump is mentioned in description of the function %GetCallChain.

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