where the reference to new-created object will be inserted in.
Source object (template object) may be an object of
Graph type. the
action will copy this object under a new name, that is given by newNameStr
parameter. New name must meet the rules for object name in D2000. Invalid
name will generate the error _ERR_RANGE_ERROR.
After the successful
creation of a new object, the reference to this new object is assigned to the
parameter aliasNewObject.
active picture, the action allows to create a temporary object copy if
the parameter newNameStr is empty string. The temporary object copy
is terminated after the picture, within the frame of which the action COPYOBJECT is called, is closed or after closing the object copy.
Temporary object copy can be used in case that there is no need to store the
copy in the configuration database. D2000 system automatically deletes these
temporary object copies if they are no longer used.
The example assumes the existence of the object D.Graph of GRAPH type.
ALIAS _newObject
COPYOBJECT D.Graph, "D.GraphCopy", _newObject
; Test of the action success
IF _newObject\HBJ = 0 THEN
; graph copy was not created
; graph copy was created
; Open it in HI
OPEN _newObject ON WS_PC.HIP
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