D2000 Server

Separate database of start values

From the version D2000 v7.00, the database is not used in D2000 systems. The tool cfgsynchro provides all the functionality of the database !!!

The separate database of start values VALUES.DB is intended for storing new start values of user and structured variables, that are created during the system run via D2000 HI or D2000 Event Handler.

In the original solution (without VALUES.DB), it was not allowed to copy and modify the configuration database at "home" and later to replace the original configuration database by this "home" modified one without loss of start values, that was meanwhile modified in the original configuration database. Now, such a modification is allowed using the database VALUES.DB. If the configuration database is replaced by a "home modified one" and the database VALUES.DB is not, the system uses the values modified by user from the database VALUES.DB as the start values after the start.

Using the VALUES.DB can be enabled by means of process D2000 Application Manager - setting the parameter StartValuesInSeparateDatabase to the value of Yes. The setting is valid for the given application and is placed in parameters of process D2000 Server. To apply a change of the parameter, you must restart the D2000 system.

If this feature is enabled, D2000 Server writes value changes, that are to be used as new start values during start, both into the configuration database and the database VALUES.DB. This concerns user variables and structure variables with the change storing defined by this means. If a new configuration of such an object is stored via D2000 CNF, the object start values are deleted from the database VALUES.DB. During the system start, at first start values from the configuration database are applied and then from the database VALUES.DB.

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