Predefined local variables
Every script contains some predefined variables. All predefined variables are declared as constants, so they may not be changed from the script.
Value | Group of local variables | Value type | Meaning |
QUERY action | |||
0 | _Q_YES | INT | Positive response to an action. |
1 | _Q_NO | INT | Negative response to an action. |
2 | _Q_TIMEOUT | INT | Exceeded the maximal wait time on action. |
3 | _Q_DONTKNOW | INT | Response to an action. |
Variables describing an error | |||
- | _ERR_LINE | INT | Line, where the error occurred. |
- | _ERR_NR | INT | Error number. |
- | _ERR_NR_TRANS_EX | INT | Extended error number - list of existing errors. |
- | _ERR_MSG | TEXT | Error message. |
Database opening parameters | |||
1 | _DB_READ | INT | ''Read only'' access to the database. |
2 | _DB_MODIFY | INT | ''Modify'' access to the database. |
Parameters from process D2000 HI | |||
- | _FROM_HIP | ALIAS | If the script is started from process D2000 HI, then the variable contains the reference to the given process. |
- | _HIP_PAR_STR | TEXT | If the script is started from process D2000 HI, then the variable contains the parameter declared during event linking. |
- | _HIP_USER_DESC | TEXT | If the script is started from process D2000 HI, then the variable contains the name of logged-on user. After logging off the user and then logging on the other one to D2000 HI, this variable is updated. |
Error codes | |||
0 | _ERR_NO_ERROR | INT | No error. |
1 | _ERR_EXPRESSION_STATUS | INT | Undefined value. |
2 | _ERR_EXPRESSION_TYPE | INT | Invalid value. |
3 | _ERR_NO_ASSIGNED_ALIAS | INT | Unassigned ALIAS. |
4 | _ERR_EXEC_EVENT | INT | Script execution failed. |
5 | _ERR_RETURN | INT | Unexpected RETURN. |
6 | _ERR_LOCAL_VAR_NFOUND | INT | Unknown local variable. |
7 | _ERR_LOCAL_VAR_NOT_RECORD | INT | Local variable must be a structure. |
8 | _ERR_OBJECT_NFOUND | INT | Unknown object. |
9 | _ERR_ARCHIV_NOT_RUNNING | INT | The archive is not running. |
10 | _ERR_TRANS_ABORT | INT | Transaction abort. Synchronous operation is broken. |
11 | _ERR_TRANS_ERROR | INT | Transaction error. Synchronous operation is not started (process is not running). |
12 | _ERR_TRANS_IGNORED | INT | Transaction ignored. Synchronous operation is not accepted (e.g. invalid parameters). |
13 | _ERR_EVAL_ERROR | INT | Error during the expression evaluation. |
14 | _ERR_RANGE_ERROR | INT | Limits overrun. |
15 | _ERR_NO_ALIAS | INT | ALIAS is required. |
16 | _ERR_NO_RECORD | INT | Value must be a structure. |
17 | _ERR_RECORD_NO_COMP | INT | Structures are not the same type. |
18 | _ERR_INVALID_OBJ_TYPE | INT | Invalid object type. |
19 | _ERR_VALUE_RANGE | INT | Value out of the range |
20 | _ERR_INVALID_HANDLE | INT | Invalid handle. |
21 | _ERR_LOCAL_MUST_PUBLIC | INT | Local variable must be PUBLIC. |
22 | _ERR_NO_DATA | INT | No data. |
23 | _ERR_MORE_DATA | INT | More data available. |
24 | _ERR_TIME_OUT | INT | Timeout. |
25 | _ERR_UNKNOWN_REFID* | INT | Unknown graphic object. |
26 | _ERR_INVALID_REFID_TYPE* | INT | Invalid type of the graphic object. |
27 | _ERR_MISSING_RETURN | INT | RETURN or END ProcedureName is missing in the procedure. |
28 | _ERR_SERVER_REQUIRED | INT | Attempt to call a remote procedure of system event, that is not declared as Server Event in the configuration. |
29 | _ERR_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND | INT | Attempt to call a remote procedure that does not exist. |
30 | _ERR_INV_NUM_PARAMS | INT | Incorrect number of parameters when calling the procedure. |
31 | _ERR_SET_CONST | INT | Attempt to change a constant value on the place of input-output parameter. |
Error during running the actions: DB_READ_BLOB - new file creation or modification is disabled DB_UPDATE_BLOB - file reading is disabled IMPORT_CSV - file reading is disabled
33 | _ERR_JAVA_EXCEPTION | INT | Error at calling JAVA RPC procedure. Called procedure terminated in exception. |
Actions DB_READ, DBS_READ, SQL_FETCH or SQL_SELECT required to read and the database table contained more rows than the limit specified by the parameter Maximum returned rows defined on the Database object. |
36 | ERR_IS_RECORD | INT | Defined value may not be a structure. |
37 | ERR_DEADLOCK_RPC | INT | Detection of ESL script deadlock when synchronous calling the RPC procedures between the scripts. If the deadlock occurs, the execution of script will be finished. |
Access rights | |||
0 | _ACC_NONE | INT | No access |
1 | _ACC_READ | INT | "Read only" access |
2 | _ACC_CONTROL | INT | "Control" access - value setting |
3 | _ACC_MODIFY | INT | "Modify" access |
Priority for storing into the log database | |||
0 | _LOG_PRTY_INFO | INT | Information |
2 | _LOG_PRTY_WARNING | INT | Warning |
3 | _LOG_PRTY_ALARM | INT | Alarm |
4 | _LOG_PRTY_CRITALARM | INT | Critical alarm |
5 | _LOG_PRTY_ERROR | INT | Error |
Row and column of the trigger value change during script start | |||
- | _TRIGGER_ROW | INT | Position of change: row |
- | _TRIGGER_COL | INT | Position of change: column |
Constants for specification of statistical function for the action CALCSTATFUNC and for functions D2_CalcStatFunc and D2_CalcStatFuncArr | |||
1 | _STAT_F_AVG | INT | Arithmetical average |
2 | _STAT_F_WGAVG | INT | Weighted average |
3 | _STAT_F_INTEGRAL | INT | Integral |
4 | _STAT_F_SUM | INT | Sum |
5 | _STAT_F_MAX | INT | Maximum |
6 | _STAT_F_MIN | INT | Minimum |
7 | _STAT_F_COUNT | INT | Count |
8 | _STAT_F_FILTER | INT | Filter |
9 | _STAT_F_INCREMENT | INT | Increment (Compare value is 1.0) |
10 | _STAT_F_DELTA | INT | Delta (Compare value is 1.0) |
11 | _STAT_F_ECOAVG | INT | EcoAvg |
12 | _STAT_F_GT_TIME | INT | GT Time (>) |
13 | _STAT_F_GE_TIME | INT | GE Time (>=) |
14 | _STAT_F_LT_TIME | INT | LT Time (<) |
15 | _STAT_F_LE_TIME | INT | LE Time (<=) |
16 | _STAT_F_MAXT | INT | Interval maximum |
17 | _STAT_F_MINT | INT | Interval minimum |
18 | _STAT_F_NUMPEEKS | INT | Number of local maxima |
19 | _STAT_F_SUM_POSITIVE | INT | Sum of positive values |
20 | _STAT_F_SUM_NEGATIVE | INT | Sum of negative values |
21 | _STAT_F_AVG_POSITIVE | INT | Arithmetical average of positive values |
22 | _STAT_F_AVG_NEGATIVE | INT | Arithmetical average of negative values |
23 | _STAT_F_ADDITION | INT | Sum of increments (Compare value is 1.0) |
24 | _STAT_F_TIMESLICE | INT | Time slice |
25 | _STAT_F_NUMPITS | INT | Number of local minima |
27 | _STAT_F_SAMPLE_DEV | INT | Sample standard deviation |
1000 | _STAT_F_ADDITION_PARAM | INT | Sum of increments |
1001 | _STAT_F_INCREMENT_PARAM | INT | Increment |
1002 | _STAT_F_DELTA_PARAM | INT | Delta |
Constants for specification of integral size for the action CALCSTATFUNC and for functions D2_CalcStatFunc and D2_CalcStatFuncArr | |||
1 | _INTEGRAL_HOURUNIT | INT | Hour integral |
2 | _INTEGRAL_MINUNIT | INT | Minute integral |
3 | _INTEGRAL_SECUNIT | INT | Second integral |
Events class for log database. Application in functions %HI_OpenLogDBByMask and %HI_OpenLogDBForObject. | |||
1 | _LOGF_ALARM | INT | Alarms |
2 | _LOGF_SYSTEM | INT | System |
4 | _LOGF_PROCES | INT | Processes |
8 | _LOGF_KOM | INT | Kom |
16 | _LOGF_OPERATOR | INT | Operator intervention |
32 | _LOGF_EVENT | INT | Events |
64 | _LOGF_LOGONLOGOFF | INT | Log on / Log off |
128 | _LOGF_MANUALENTRY | INT | Manual intervention |
256 | _LOGF_CHANGEVALUE | INT | Impulsive value change |
512 | _LOGF_POSTMORTEMDATA | INT | Time recorder |
* Errors may be occurred only in an active picture.
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