If the value of parameter is True, the function will return the basic HOBJ of the connected object. If the value of parameter is False, the function will return a dynamic (unique) HOBJ of the object connected as instance. If connected object represents the picture, the values differ in case that the picture is connected as instance.
If there is no connected object, the function returns 0.
INT _i1
INT _i2
_i1 := T.Temperatures\HBJ
%HI_SetConnectedObj(_Graph, _i1, 0)
_i2 := %HI_GetConnectedHBJ(_Graph)
; The following condition will be always met
IF _i1 = _i2 THEN
where: _Graph - is RefId of Graph displayertype. T.Temperatures - object of Graph type. The expression T.Temperatures\HBJ is HBJ type (reference to object) The instance number is 0.
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