D2000 Tell - command syntax
D2000 Server
D2000 Archiv
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D2000 Event
D2000 Calc
D2000 DBManager
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D2000 WorkBook
AUDIT_INFO [REINIT [USER|RESGROUP]] | The process without parameters writes out the status of monitoring, or storing of auditing information (see also Object Group - monitoring changes in configuration). Parameter REINIT USERS causes the writing the current configuration of all objects of *User* type into the monitoring database. Parameter REINIT RES_GROUP causes the writing the current configuration of necessary objects of *Object group* type into the monitoring database. In any object type is not stated in the command, both type of objects will be written into the monitoring database. | ||||||||||||
BACKUP SYSCFG path | Creates a configuration database backup in a directory specified by the parameter path. Note 1: The backup can be influenced by the setting of parameter ConfigBackUpTimeout. Note 2: This functionality can not be used for databases built on PostgreSQL. Such databases can be backed up according to this instruction. | ||||||||||||
BACKUP LOGFILE path | Creates a log database backup in the directory specified by the parameter path. Note 1: This functionality can not be used for databases built on PostgreSQL. Such databases can be backed up according to this instruction. | ||||||||||||
BACKUP VALUES path | Creates the backup of the database VALUES. DB in the directory specified by the parameter path. | ||||||||||||
CFGSYNCHROAUTO ON/OFF | Enables / disables the automatic synchronisation of configuration databases after a new SBS (stand-by server) is connected. Note 1: The command can be applied to HOT server only. Note 2: The synchronization can be influenced by the setting of parameter ConfigSynchroTimeout. | ||||||||||||
CHECK_ARCHIVE | Checks a value type consistency between primary archive object and the archival one and shows the errors (writes it into log). The error is, if the value type of the primary archive object is different than value type of the archival object. | ||||||||||||
DEPLOY_JAVA_SHARED | If some files - the external and user libraries for Java, placed in directory %lt;appldirgt;/java/shared are changed, D2000 Server will send these files to all running clients. | ||||||||||||
DI ON/OFF | Debug Info - shows / hides internal debug information of D2000 Server (in the process window and in the process D2000 Sysconsole). | ||||||||||||
DP ON/OFF | Debug Pipe - enables / disables the displaying of the communication of D2000 Server with client processes (only if the D2000 Server's window is displayed on the desktop). | ||||||||||||
INSTANCE SET|GET ACTIVE|PREFERRED|USABLE ... | It is used to determine and set the active instance, preferred instance and instance mode in a load-balancing mode.
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MESSAGE Message_Text process_name | Broadcasts (sends) a text message to client processes. The process name can be entered as a mask (e.g. *.HIP - for all processes D2000 HI). If the return code is Success, it contains the number of clients, the message from D2000 Server was sent to. | ||||||||||||
LIC_PostponeLicWrnToUsers 0 až 240 [hod], default 24 | Delay of license warnings for common users. The administrators of D2000 will get the license warning always and immediately. | ||||||||||||
LIC_DoNotAllowConsoleOverLimit 0|1, default 0 | When setting 1, the system will not allow to connect consoles (HI) over the scope of license. | ||||||||||||
LIC_DoNotAllowSysProcOverLimit 0|1, default 0 | When setting 1, the system will not allow the system processes (CALC, EVENT, KOM,...) over the scope of license. | ||||||||||||
RD_SET_HOT serverName | Sets the hot server in the redundant system. The parameter serverName is the name of server within the frame of the redundant group. | ||||||||||||
REFRESH_LICENCE | On-line refresh of the information about the licence range (from file LicenceRun.code or LicenceDev.code) and information about the network clients (from file ConsolesInfo.txt). It enables to change the licence range without any need to stop the system - as well as re-reading the list of network clients after it has been manually edited. Note 1: In redundant systems it is necessary to replace the files LicenceRun.code or LicenceDev.code on all redundant servers. Note 2: In redundant systems it is necessary to modify the file ConsolesInfo.txt only on the active (HOT) server. The changes will be transferred to all SBS servers. Note 3: The information about the licence is sent to the client processes when connecting to D2000 Server. For that reason, if the change of licence affects even other processes than D2000 Server, they must be restarted. For example, when a user add a new communication protocol, it influences D2000 CNF process. To enable this protocol in D2000 CNF, it must be restarted. Also, when adding a new communication station and I/O tags with the given protocol to D2000 KOM process, it must be restarted. | ||||||||||||
RELOAD_PARAMS | Loads all parameters for kernel (except the parameters for saving the monitoring database to the depository). The D2000 System may not be restarted. | ||||||||||||
RELOAD_SECURITY | Sets the new configuration of Security Policy with no need to restart D2000 System. | ||||||||||||
REPAIR_ARCHIVE | Checks a value type consistency between primary archive object and archival one. If some error occurs, it will repair it immediately and write information into log. The error is if the value type of the primary archive object is different than value type of the archival object. | ||||||||||||
RESTART process_name | Stops the given process and then starts it correctly. Note: If the process is stopped (Stop or Crash status), the command just starts it. | ||||||||||||
SET_LOAD_BAL_MODE process_name mode | Activates/deactivates Load balancing mode (see the chapter Redundant archiving - Load balancing). Example: SET_LOAD_BAL_MODE SELF.ARC 1 - activates Load balancing mode for SELF.ARC process. | ||||||||||||
SHOW_ACCESS_LIST | The command writes the list of the names registered by the action GETACCESS within the application (with the keyword PUBLIC) into the text console and to the log file (kernel.log) of the process D2000 Server. Example: | ||||||||||||
SHOW_ARC_STAT process_name | Shows the statistical information about the running instances of archive - the maximum number and sum of the read requests that are being processed. | ||||||||||||
SHOW_CONFIG | Shows configuration information of the process D2000 Server. This information covers:
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SHOW_DYN_INFO object_name or HOBJ | Shows dynamic information on the specified object (list of objects that dynamically or statically use the object) on the text console of the process D2000 Server. | ||||||||||||
SHOW_DYNO_LIST idFirst idLast | The command dumps the list of current dynamic objects (ID and object name) to the text console of process based on the defined interval. Note: The command is mainly intended for diagnostic purposes. | ||||||||||||
SHOW_TRANS_LIST | Lists internal transactions of the D2000 system. Note: The command is intended to be used mainly for D2000 System diagnostic purposes. | ||||||||||||
SHUTDOWN D2000 | Stops D2000 System. | ||||||||||||
SHUTDOWN RESTART | Stops D2000 System and restarts the operating system. | ||||||||||||
SHUTDOWN SHUTDOWN | Stop D2000 system and shutdown operating system. | ||||||||||||
SHUTDOWN WINNT | Stops D2000 System and restarts the operating system. | ||||||||||||
START process_name | Starts specified process. | ||||||||||||
STDOUT output | The command redirects the standard output to new output specified by output. Example: | ||||||||||||
STOP process_name [FORCE] | It stops a process. When using the optional parameter FORCE, the termination of process will be forced. | ||||||||||||
*SUSPEND* SLEEP [WAKEUP yyyy-mm-ddThh:mi:ssZ]|HIBERNATE | It causes, that operating system switches into sleep mode (SLEEP) or hibernation (HIBERNATE). If OS switches into sleep mode, user may define a time of its automatic awakening by the parameter WAKEUP yyyy-mm-ddThh:mi:ssZ, where yyyy-mm-ddThh:mi:ssZ defines UTC time of awakening. The string must be in ISO 8601 format (http://sk.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601). Example: *SUSPEND SLEEP WAKEUP 2015-02-11T12:00Z* - causes putting the computer to sleep and automatic awakening at noon, February 11th, 2015 (UTC). | ||||||||||||
TCP_NO_DELAY process_name|process_mask [FALSE|TRUE|QUERY] | Enables, disables or queries the delay of data transfer between the process D2000 Server and the client connected via TCP/IP protocol. Setting the parameter TCP_NO_DELAY to TRUE disables TCP delay before sending TCP packets (function setsockopt with parameter TCP_NODELAY - see Nagle's algorithm). The delay improves efficiency of TCP/IP networks by reducing the number of packets that need to be sent over the network. On the other hand if the communicating partners wait for each other's response (e.g. remote procedure calls between two EVENT processes or between HI and EVENT), this delay can significantly slow down execution of scripts and other interactions. By default TCP delay is on (TCP_NO_DELAY = FALSE). This tell command is intended only for tuning and debugging purposes. Note 1: When registering a TCP/IP client, the process D2000 Server queries the value of parameter TCP_NO_DELAY and, depending on this value, it does or does not change the parameter TCP_NO_DELAY for client connection. This value is then sent to client, which also changes TCP_NODELAY parameter of its TCP connection to server. Warning: In current implementation the tell command TCP_NO_DELAY does not cause any change in the setting on client's side! Note 2: Besides the parameter TCP_NO_DELAY, there is also another parameter which influences sending TCP delayed acknowledgments (it can be set on OpenVMS and *nix system by calling sysconfig -r inet tcpnodelack). This parameter induces a 200 ms delay before sending TCP acknowledgments and it can interact with TCP_NODELAY parameter. | ||||||||||||
XML_EXPORT | Warning: Since the version V8.00.001, the command is not supported. XML file(s) export from the directory, which is defined by the parameter path, together with the following parameters:
The path for the file export on VMS must be written in Unix format. | ||||||||||||
XML_EXPORT_TABLE | The configuration parts export to the XML files, which is not the part of the object configuration. The parameters: [Path, FileName, TableName].
Warning: Extension ".xml" is added automatically, do not write it. | ||||||||||||
XML_IMPORT | Warning: This command is not supported for OpenVMS. XML file(s) import from the directory, which is defined by the parameter Path. The initialization of tell command is conditioned by using a configuration key. The path for the file import on VMS should be entered in Unix format. Note: The command belongs to the "security" TELL commands. I.e., it can be activated only from interactive processes with configuration key or from process D2000 Event Handler. | ||||||||||||
XML_IMPORT_TABLE | Import of the configuration parts that is not the part of the object configuration from XML files. The parameter [Path, FileName, TableName[, CleanTable]]
The initialization of tell command is conditioned by using the configuration key. Note: The command belongs to the "security" TELL commands. I.e., it can be activated only from interactive processes with configuration key or from process D2000 Event Handler. | ||||||||||||
Warning: Since the version V8.00.001, the command is not supported. Sets the parameters for TELL commands XML_IMPORT a XML_EXPORT. The command without parameter displays the default parameters of D2000 Server. | |||||||||||||
XML_Update | Partial update of the objects by XML from the directory, which is defined by parameter Path. The parameter: [path_to_dir / path_to_file] Note: The command belongs to the "security" TELL commands. I.e., it can be activated only from interactive processes with configuration key or from process D2000 Event Handler. |
BACKUP [path] | Creates an archive database backup. If the parameter path is not specified, the backup will be performed into the directory, which is set in the archive configuration. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CALC_OLD_REQUESTS [path+filename] | Executes recalcs of old values, which were redirected to the auxiliary calc task (see the archive parameter RecalcImmediateDepth) and then instead of being performed were stored to the file (see the archive parameter DropOldRequests). If path+filename is not specified, the file name_ARCHIV_DROPPED_CALCS.DAT will be processed by name.ARC and then renamed to name_ARCHIV_DROPPED_CALCS.DONE (if such a file exists, it will be deleted). Note: This command fails if the archive parameter DropOldRequests has value 1, because in this case the recalcs would be again stored to the file after being read. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CLEANUP_SLICES | A command that must be run after the change of parameter DataTableSlices from value 1 to value 2 (i.e. after changing the time slices mode to time slices for structured archives only). Archive will transfer the archived values from time slices of simple archives to the original data tables and these time slices will be deleted. Note: for simple archives, from start of the the archiv till the transfer of archived values to the original data tables, the archiv will provide only data which are located in original data tables. Therefore this conversion is recommended only for systems with redundant archives and the archive performing conversion should be set as passive instance. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CRC path\filename mask from to [step] [PO] | Parameter checks the data identity in instance archives. Creating the file with CRC (checking sum) for archive objects that correspond to mask for entered time period. Optional parameter step (in hours) allows to divide the calculation for time period into intervals. The parameter PO ensures the calculation will be executed only for primary archive data. Note: Values entering the CRC calculation can be "truncated" - in a 64-bit floating point value complying with the IEEE 754 standard, the two lowest bytes will be zeroed, if a debug category DBG.ARCHIV.CRC.Z2LB is enabled. The truncation can be used to ignore minor differences (16. and higher decimal point), which can occur in floating point calculations in archives running on different processors. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CRC_TREE path\filename name row col from to [step] | Parameter checks the data identity in instance archives. Creating the file with CRC (checking sum) for archive objects that correspond to mask for entered time period. The calculation will be realized for object that has been defined by parameter "name row col" and for all objects that influence its value. Optional parameter step (in hours) allows to divide the calculation for time period into intervals. See the note to CRC command. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DEL mask [before] | Deletes data from the archive database as follows:
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DELETE_DATA mask from [to] | Deletes data from the archive database without activation of dependent statistics evaluation (similar to the action DELETEARCHDATA). Time format is dd-mm-rrrr hh:mi:ss.mss. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DI ON/OFF | Debug Info - shows / hides internal debug information of the process D2000 Archiv (in the process window and in the process D2000 Sysconsole). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DI ON/OFF [HOBJ/mask [ROW [COL]]] | Debug Info for values - enables / disables displaying information about the evaluation of historical values with specified HOBJ or with the name matching given mask. For structured historical values, you can specify required structure item - column (if ROW=0) or row (if COL=0). Example: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DI ONREC/OFFREC HOBJ/mask [ROW [COL]] | Debug Info for values - recursive. The command extends the functionality of the previous commands with the possibility of showing / hiding the debug information for historical values that depend on specified historical values (e.g. minute averages). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DISMOUNT_TREZOR path+trezor_name | Sybase platform: The parameter path+trezor_name specifies the path and the name of the depository database to dismount. The * and ? characters for mask definition can be used in the depository database name. If more files match to entered mask, all these ones will be dismounted. For more information see the topic On-line access to data from depository databases. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DISMOUNT_TREZOR Id [SEGMENT seg] DISMOUNT_TREZOR trezor_name [SEGMENT seg] DISMOUNT_TREZOR IdFrom IdTo [SEGMENT seg] | Oracle platform: The parameter Id or trezor_name defines the number (name) of depository database to dismount. Name of depository database is the name of depository tablespace (e.g. MYAPP_TS_TREZOR15 or MYAPP_TS_TREZOR15_02) or name of tablespace's datafile (e.g. MYAPP_TS_TREZOR0015_S02_20040801.ORA). You can also dismount all depository databases (except the ones that are currently being filled) by using the parameter all. The parameters IdFrom and IdTo allow to dismount a sequence of depository databases. The parameter SEGMENT seg (where seg is the number of depository database segment) allows to dismount just the segment. Seg is the number between 0 and TrezorCountSegments. If the command DISMOUNT is used without the parameter SEGMENT Seg for depository database segments enabled, the process D2000 Archiv attempts to dismount all segments of specified depository database/s. For more information see the topic On-line access to data from depository databases. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DISMOUNT_TREZOR Id [SEGMENT seg] DISMOUNT_TREZOR IdFrom IdTo [SEGMENT seg] | PostgreSQL platform: The parameter Id defines the number of depository database to dismount. You can also dismount all depository databases (except the ones that are currently being filled) by using the parameter all. The parameters IdFrom and IdTo allow to dismount a sequence of depository databases. The parameter SEGMENT seg (where seg is the number of depository database segment) allows to dismount just the segment. Seg is the number between 0 and TrezorCountSegments. If the command DISMOUNT is used without the parameter SEGMENT Seg for depository database segments enabled, the process D2000 Archiv attempts to dismount all segments of specified depository database/s. For more information see the topic On-line access to data from depository databases. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DP ON/OFF | Debug Pipe - shows / hides the course of communication with D2000 Server (only if the process window is displayed on the desktop). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DROP_LIST path+filename | Creates the file (defined by the parameter path+filename) containing SQL commands to delete tables, which are not used by the archive configuration. If the time slices are enabled, the file will contain also the commands to delete respective rows of the table ARC_SLICE, which contain information about the time slices corresponding to tables that are to be deleted. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FILL_CACHE | Manual loading of archive cache (only available for isochronous cache mode) by reading values from archive database. Archive cache loading can be also automatic after startup - for more information see description of parameter IsoCacheAutoFill. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FORCE_CLEAR HOBJ/mask | For selected object(s), their ClearTime is set to a value of several hours in the past, which means that a periodic delete of object's data should occur shortly (unless it is disabled for some reason, e.g. if the time slices are enabled, it can depend on parameters DeleteInSlice0 and DeleteInSlices). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FREEZE freeze_seconds [report_seconds] UNFREEZE | FREEZE command causes the writing and calculating tasks of archive stop processing the requests for a period freeze_seconds. Within this time, the next task (deleting) will list the number of requests (primary and calculated) in the queues. After elapsing the time freeze_seconds, the processing of values will be restored. If the parameter report_seconds is entered, the deleting task continues to list the number of request in the queues for this period. FREEZE command is primarily used for performance tests (testing the maximum speed for processing the requests under load). Before its using, you should realize that it does not influence reading from archive, but during its execution, the writing to the archive (so the newest values are not available when reading) and the calculations are not executed for the period freeze_seconds. In the redundant systems with 2 and more archives, we recommend to execute FREEZE command on a passive instance, so that the functionality of subsystem will not be affected. UNFREEZE command (without parameters) is used for aborting an inactivity that was caused by FREEZE command. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
IMPORT_DATA | Activates the process D2000 Archiv to import external data, e.g. Importing archive databases from D2000 V3.65 (OS/2). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LIST_TREZOR [all] LIST_TREZOR id | The parameter allows to shows the list of depository databases used by the process D2000 Archiv. The contents of the list depends on the used platform - Sybase, PostgreSQL or Oracle. Parameter id:
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LOAD_TREZOR path+filename [mask] [from] [to] | On-line depository database import. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MOUNT_TREZOR path+trezor_name | Sybase platform: The parameter path+depository_name defines the path and name of the depository database to be mounted. The name may contain * and ? characters to define a mask. If more files match specified mask, all these will be mounted. For more information see the topic On-line access to data from depository databases. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MOUNT_TREZOR Id [SEGMENT seg] [WRITE] MOUNT_TREZOR trezor_name [SEGMENT seg] [WRITE] MOUNT_TREZOR IdFrom IdTo [SEGMENT seg] [WRITE] | Oracle platform: The parameter Id (trezor_name) defines the number (name) of a depository database to be mounted. Name of depository database is the name of depository tablespace (e.g. MYAPP_TS_TREZOR15 or MYAPP_TS_TREZOR15_02) or name of tablespace's datafile (e.g. MYAPP_TS_TREZOR0015_S02_20040801.ORA). The parameters IdFrom and IdTo allow to mount the sequence of depository databases. The parameter SEGMENT Seg (where Seg is the number of the depository database segment) allows to mount on just one depository database segment. If the command MOUNT is used without the parameter SEGMENT Seg for depository database with segments enabled, the process D2000 Archiv attempts to mount on all segments of specified depository database/s. The parameter Write can be used to mount depository database (s) for writing (for depository databases synchronization through the Arcsynchro tool). For more information see the topic On-line access to data from depository databases. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MOUNT_TREZOR Id [SEGMENT seg] [WRITE] MOUNT_TREZOR IdFrom IdTo [SEGMENT seg] [WRITE] | PostgreSQL platform: The parameter Id specifies the number of a depository database to be mounted. The parameter SEGMENT Seg (where Seg is the number of the depository database segment) allows to mount on just one depository database segment. If the command MOUNT is used without the parameter SEGMENT Seg for depository database with segments enabled, the process D2000 Archiv attempts to mount on all segments of specified depository database/s. The parameter Write can be used to mount depository database (s) for writing (for depository databases synchronization through the Arcsynchro tool). For more information see the topic On-line access to data from depository databases. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PENDING_REQUESTS path+filename | Creates a file containing the descriptions of pending requests. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RECALC Mask [Row [Col]] From [To] [BACKGROUND] | Recalculates the values in the statistical archive. Mask - defines the list of objects, which are to be recalculated. If the specific row and/or column of the structured archive is recalculated, it is possible to specify parameters Row and Col (if unspecified, their default value is 0, meaning "whole row/column"). The parameters <From, To> define a time interval to be recalculated. If end time is not entered, current time will be used. Time format is dd-mm-yyyy [hh[:mi[:ss[.mss]]]]. Optional parameter BACKGROUND (implemented in version 7.02.006) puts the recalculation to the auxiliary calc task (see the archive parameter RecalcImmediateDepth). The parameter is recommended for long-lasting recalculation of historical values which are supposed to be performed on the background while archive still continues archiving real-time data. Note: If the parameter RecalcTimeIntervalLimit has non-zero value and the time interval <From, To> is longer than RecalcTimeIntervalLimit hours, the parameter BACKGROUND is mandatory, to ensure that the recalculation will be performed by auxiliary calc. This behaviour is stated as a protection against overloading the main task by recalculations. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RELEASE_TREZOR | Early disconnection of current depository database. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
REM_EMPTY_SLICES HOBJ|mask | If the time slices are activated, the command causes that archive will review all time slices of simple archive objects according to the defined HOBJ or mask and deletes the time slices without data. The command is used to purify the archive database from empty time slices that were created due to error of archive. This error was repaired in the supported versions in June 8, 2015. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
REORGANIZE | On-line reorganization of archive database. The command compacts all archive tables (same as the Oracle command ALTER TABLE MOVE or the Sybase command REORGANIZE TABLE INDEX). Note: For Oracle, PostgreSQL and Sybase 8.0 platforms or later only. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
REORGANIZE HOBJ|mask [SLICE slice] [tablespace] | On-line reorganization of archive table of object with specified HOBJ or with name matching specified mask. If the parameter tablespace is also defined, given archive table will be moved to specified tablespace. If time slices are on, all slices of one archive object will be reorganized/moved unless a slice number slice is specified. Note 1: The parameter tablespace can be used on Oracle platform only.
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REORGANIZE ON | Enables the reorganization of archive database (same as running the process D2000 Archiv with the /DBCY parameter). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
REORGANIZE OFF | Enables the reorganization of archive database (same as running the process D2000 Archiv without the /DBCY parameter). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
REORGANIZE ACTIVE | Enables the reorganization of archive database in the active mode only (same as running the process D2000 Archiv with the /DBCA parameter). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
REORGANIZE PASSIVE | Enables the reorganization of archive database in the passive mode only (same as running the process D2000 Archiv with the /DBCP parameter). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
REORGANIZE SHRINK | Enables the alternate mode of reorganization of archive database - only for Oracle 10g and above (dame as running the process D2000 Archiv with the /DBCS parameter). Note: To enable the original mode, use tell command REORGANIZE MOVE. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
REORGANIZE TableRowLimit rowLimit | On-line change of the parameter ReorganizeTableRowLimit used for the automatic reorganization of archive database. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
REORGANIZE TableTimeLimit timeLimit | On-line change of the parameter ReorganizeTableTimeLimit used for the automatic reorganization of archive database. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SET_CACHE size [MB] | The command allows the user to change the dynamic cache size to speed-up the calculation of statistical historical values while the process D2000 Archiv is still running. Note 1: The initial cache size can be specified by the parameter MaxCacheSize in the process D2000 Application Manager. Note 2: The command SET_CACHE also changes value of the parameter MaxCacheSize in registry. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SET_OPTION name_parameter value_parameter | Tell command SET_OPTION controls the following configuration and start-up parameters of the process D2000 Archiv:
Note: For parameters which are stored in the Registry database the tell command SET_OPTION will change the value of configuration parameters not only in archive but also in the Registry database. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SHOW_DYN_INFO HOBJ/name [ROW [COL]] | Shows dynamic information on the specified object (current value, last sent value, time of next calculation for periodic archived objects, time of periodic deleting, parameters and content of cache) on the text console of the process D2000 Archiv. Note: The command is mainly intended for D2000 System diagnostic purposes. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SHOW_CACHE count | If archive cache is enabled, the result is a list of top count historical values having the most values in archive cache. For every value the following properties are displayed: HOBJ, name, number of items and time interval of values in archive cache. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SHOW_CONFIG | Shows configuration information of the process D2000 Archiv and archive database. This information covers:
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SHOW_INFO | Shows various information about the process D2000 Archiv and the archive database. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
STATISTICS path+filename hours | Creates the file path+filename with statistical information, i.e. number of values for individual historical values from the last n-hours. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
STDOUT output | The command redirects the standard output to a new output. Example: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
STOP_IMPORT_DATA | Deactivates a feature of the process D2000 - import of external data. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
STOP [NOQUEUE] | Stops the process D2000 Archiv. All unsaved values from the request queue are to be automatically stored on the disk and during the next starting the process, the values will be read from the disk. The current values of historical values are to be stored in the table SAVED_LAST_ROWS to quicken the next start of the process. If the parameter NOQUEUE is used, the unsaved values from the request queue will not be stored in the file (it quickens stopping the process with a large amount of unprocessed values). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TIMESTAT START TIMESTAT RESTART TIMESTAT SHOW TIMESTAT SHOWLONG TIMESTAT SHOWSTART TIMESTAT STOP | Starts (START), stops (STOP), restarts (RESTART), shows (SHOW), shows and restarts (SHOWSTART) or shows the time statistics of reading task(s) in long time format, including the days (SHOWLONG). After starting the statistics, the database reading task(s) will start the measuring time, spent in various parts of reading procedure. These values can be used for tuning by system specialists. Time statistics are displayed per reading task and if ReadThreadsCount > 1, also totals for all tasks are shown. Note: When time statistics are on, reading from archive may be several percent slower due to time measuring. |
D2000 KOM
DEBUGWIN DEBUG/REQ/KOMARC | The Debug window of the process D2000 KOM displays:
| ||||||||||||
DI ON/OFF HOBJ/mask | Debug Info for values - enables / disables displaying information about the evaluation of:
| ||||||||||||
DP ON/OFF | Debug Pipe - shows / hides the course of communication with D2000 KOM (only if the process window is displayed on the desktop). | ||||||||||||
GETKOMARCDEPTH | Gets the timestamp of oldest data stored in the KOM Archive. | ||||||||||||
GETOLDVAL StationName [M:PointMask] [NORECALC] "BeginTime" ["EndTime"] | Reads historical values from a device - station StationName. The values from defined interval will be read. The parameter EndTime is optional and if is not entered, the current time will be used. Time format ("BeginTime", "EndTime") is "dd-mm-yyyy hh:mi:ss". This feature is supported only by some communication protocols (Datalogger ESC8800, ESC8816, UNIP_TS ...). Warning: This is not a function of KOM Archiv but it is the reading values directly from a device! NORECALC parameter causes the archive does not execute the calculation of calculated archive objects, the values of which are calculated just from the values acquired by this calling of tell command. For some protocols (OPC DA, OPC HDA and IEC 870-5-104), there can be used a parameter of mask "M:", which is used to read the archive values only for selected I/O tags from the station StationName, which match the mask. | ||||||||||||
LNSTAT OPEN/CLOSE LineName | The command can be used only for the lines of Serial category (asynchronous serial lines). The command stops the communication (CLOSE) and disconnects the communication port. Then the port can be used by other programs, e.g. diagnostic or configuration tools. Stations on the line are to be in the Communication error state. The communication will be recovered either using the command LNSTAT OPEN or after restarting the whole communication process. | ||||||||||||
LNTRACE DEC/HEX | Enables the decimal / hexadecimal format of line listening. Default format is hexadecimal. | ||||||||||||
READKOMARC ["BeginTime"] ["EndTime"] | Reads the values from KOM Archiv. There are transferred all old values from given interval. The parameter BeginTime is optional and if it is not entered, the data from all history depth of KOM Archiv will be read there. The parameter EndTime is optional and if it is not entered, the current time will be used. If the parameters BeginTime and EndTime are not defined, there will be sent just the values, which have not been sent. If at least the parameter BeginTime is defined, there will be sent all values within given interval. Return codes:
| ||||||||||||
RESETPERF LineName/StationName | Resets the statistics of given line / station - the system structured variable SV._System_LinePerformance / SV._System_LinePerformance. It is executed immediately but it will be visible after the process D2000 KOM sends new statistics to the process D2000 Server (periodically in each 10 seconds). | ||||||||||||
SETPTADDR name "address1" "address2" | Dynamic change of the I/O tag address. The parameter name specifies the I/O tag. It can be entered as the object name (e.g. "M.CoolantTemperature") or the object HOBJ (the syntax requires the character '$' before HOBJ, e.g. "$278"). The parameters address1 and address2 defines the new I/O tag address. Change of address will become evident only in internal data structures of KOM process. It is not sent, in a centralized way, to server, i.e. changed address is valid until restart of process. After this, the value from the initial configuration will be used again. Return codes:
Dynamic change of the I/O tag address is implemented only for limited group of communication protocols: | ||||||||||||
SETSTADDR name "address" | Dynamic change of station address. The parameter name specifies station. It can be entered as the object name (e.g. "S.Stanica"). Parameter "address" defines its new address. Change of station address will become evident only in internal data structures of KOM process. It is not sent, in a centralized way, to server, i.e. changed address is valid until restart of process. After this, the value from the initial configuration will be used again. Return codes:
Dynamic change of address is implemented only for limited group of communication protocols: | ||||||||||||
SHOW TAG TagName/TagHOBJ | Enables debug information for given I/O tag. The command requires either the name or HOBJ of I/O tag. The debug information is usable for D2000 System developers. | ||||||||||||
SHUTDOWN WINNT | Restarts the computer with the process D2000 KOM (the process must be running). | ||||||||||||
START_RECORD dir_name_only [begin_time] end_time | Starts a data recording into subdirectory (application directory) with the name dir_name_only. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. The start of tell command from D2000 Server - at first, the file containing the initialization values of DODM objects dodm_values.dat is recorded and then D2000 Server will send this command to clients. Data are recorded within the time period <begin_time, end_time>. If <begin_time> is not set, data are recorded immediately. Example: These four data files (it relates to four hourly intervals) are the result of record: Note: Tell command uses the format "dd-mm-rrrr hh:mm:ss" for the parameters of datetime type. | ||||||||||||
STOP_RECORD | Stops a data recording immediately, it is not necessary to wait for end_time. If the recording does not work, the error will occur. Note: It is possible to start up this tell command from D2000 Server, as well as directly from the clients (currently only from KOM client). | ||||||||||||
START_REPLAY dir_name_only [begin_time [/NOW]] | Starts a data replaying from subdirectory (application directory) with the name dir_name_only. If the directory does not exist, the error will occur. The start of tell command from D2000 Server - at first, the file containing the initialization values of DODM objects dodm_values.dat is recorded and then D2000 Server will send this command to the clients with parameter /NOW. It replays all data (in data files) with the time stamp >= begin_time. Time stamp of data represents the particular time from the recorded time period. Time of data replaying must be from the range of the recorded time period. Example of data replaying:
Time Stamp (TS) - blue color, current time (CT) - red color Note: Tell command uses the format "dd-mm-rrrr hh:mm:ss" for the parameters of datetime type. | ||||||||||||
STOP_REPLAY | Stops a data replaying immediately. If the replaying does not work, the error will occur. Note: There is possible to start up this tell command from D2000 Server, as well as directly from the clients (currently only from KOM client). | ||||||||||||
STDOUT output | The command redirects the standard output to new one. Example: | ||||||||||||
STOP | Stops the process D2000 KOM. | ||||||||||||
STSTAT START/STOP StationName | Enables the communication (the parameter START) or disable the communication (parameter STOP) on the station StationName. The station will get the value StON (START) or StOFF (STOP). | ||||||||||||
STWATCH StationName ["Number"] | The command generates one or several requests for priority reading of all I/O tags on given station. It can be used only for some communication protocols (of request-response type). The parameter Number defines the number of requests, possible value is within 1...5. If the parameter is not defined, just one request will be generated. |
DYNAMIC_INFO | Tell command for the processes with the name *.EVH and *.HIS. Tell command does not contain any parameters. After receiving the command, the process writes, into proper log file, information about: - list of all running instances of ESL scriptsFormat: ESL;ESL name ESL - text identifying the next information ESL name - script identification1 - registered text strings (GETACCESS action) Format: ACCESS;ESL name;String;time of GetAccess;bGlobal;userComment;status ACCESS - text identifying the next information XML - text identifying the next information REFOBJ - text identifying the next information DBCONNECT - text identifying the next information FIO - text identifying the next information CNT - text identifying the next information 1 - script identification: text string uniquely identifying the running ESL scrip. It contains the object name (HOBJ)[instance number] unique numerical identifier. |
SHOW_TRANS_LIST idInstance | If idInstance = 0, the command shows both the list of all instances of events that are pending to finish the transaction, and the list of transactions. If idInstance <> 0, the command shows the information about the particular instance (you can find the list of instances in the dialog window ESL Diagnostic Pack or by the tell command TASK_STATUS). |
STATISTICS path+file | Writes data about the processor time consumption according to individual events into a file. |
STDOUT output | The command redirects the standard output to new one. Example: |
TASK_STATUS path+filename | Writes just executed line of all the script running in given process into a file (*.EVH or *.HIS). The command also supplies the information about whether the ESL script is currently executing the external function. If yes, the file will contain the name of the function and the line number of the script calling the function. |
D2000 CALC
DP ON/OFF | Debug Pipe - shows / hides the course of communication with D2000 Calc (only if the process window is displayed on the desktop). |
RESET_STATISTICS | Resets the counters for evaluating the statistical data. |
STATISTICS path+file | Writes statistical data about individual I/O tags into a file. The file contains the following information: I/O tag name, number of recalculations and number of new values broadcasted into the system. The counters are reset while starting the process D2000 Calc or using the command RESET_STATISTICS. |
STDOUT output | The command redirects the standard output to new one. Example: |
CALCINFO ON|OFF clcName [row] | The command is used to determine the reason for calculating the eval tag that has the Calculation method parameter set to At change or Trigger value. The command ensures (CALCINFO ON) that into the LOG file of the process will be continually written information about the reason for the calculation of the eval tag. The CALCINFO OFF command terminates the continuous log to the LOG file. It is used for the eval tags that have the Calculation Method parameter set to At change or Trigger value. Record in the LOG file contains:
Parametres: clcName - name of eval tag row - specifies a row number for a structured eval tag. If not specified, the replacement value is 0 and all rows will be tracked. Example (content of LOG file): Tell command: CALCINFO ON P.OnSec In the LOG file, there is a record that the information is about the calculation of the calculated P.OnSec object. The value of the object changed from HOBJ=20 (VALUE IN $20). Next, the individual attributes of input value are displayed. Output value attributes are displayed after a row containing VALUE OUT content. CALCINFO: P.OnSec[ 0] VALUE IN $20 GValTyp : INT (Integer) Status : VALID LimitStatus : INLIMIT ProcAlarmStatus : NOALARM ValTyp : INT Flags : F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F ValTime : 20.11.2017 16:39:59.000 AlarmTime : (null) Value : 59 VALUE OUT GValTyp : INT (Integer) Status : VALID, NOACKVALUE LimitStatus : INLIMIT ProcAlarmStatus : NOALARM ValTyp : CE Flags : F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F ValTime : 20.11.2017 16:39:59.001 AlarmTime : (null) Value : 60 |
CHECK_DESTID_VALUES [DestId [ColIndex]] [FlagList] | The command enables to compare the values of destination columns (of structured variables), configured in the eval tags, with the values that were calculated by D2000 Calc. When specifying the particular object of Structured variable type, for which the comparison should be done, the value of parameter DestId, or also ColIndex for the particular column, must be a non-zero. It is followed by the optional key words from the list: Detail, Debug, Ignore_Time, ReCalc0s, ReCalc1m. You may find the detailed information in the document Checking values of destination columns. Note 1: This command is mainly used for the diagnostic purposes in D2000 Systems. Note 2: Command is supported only in version D2000 V8.0.5. |
SHOW_DYN_INFO {Mask|HOBJ} Row | It enables to display a configuration and the current status of a particular eval tag. The eval tag is defined as an input parameter either through its ID (HOBJ) or mask. If several eval tags match the mask, the first 20 tags will be displayed. If Row parameter is different than 0, it must be the eval tag the values of which are written to a destination column of structured variable. For common eval tags (those that have not a destination column) the Row parameter must be 0. The log format is identical with the format [Calc], which is stated in the article Checking values of destination columns, Example 3. |
GET_SOURCE_VALUE HOBJ Row Col | It enables to display the inputs into the calculation providing they are the inputs from the structured variables. The log format is identical with the format [DestVal] Checking values of destination columns, Example 3. Note: This command is mainly used for the diagnostic purposes in D2000 Systems. |
SHOW_HANDLE [table/database/structure_definition HOBJ] or [table mask] | Shows information on open descriptors. For more information see the chapter DBManager - debugging. |
SHOW_CONNECT [database HOBJ [connect/transaction ID]] or [database mask [connect ID]] [DETAIL] | Shows information on open connections. For more information see the chapter DBManager - debugging. |
SET_WATCHDOG database_mask seconds [NONTRANS] | Switches on the monitoring of connections that perform SQL commands longer than the specified time seconds. This information can be used for profiling of applications and and for detection of slow SQL commands. If a NONTRANS clause is specified, transactional connections are not monitored. Starting with version 10.1.39, after the long running SQL is finished, detailed info about it is written to a log file. More information can be found in chapter D2000 DBManager - debugging. |
SET_WATCHDOG_QUEUE database_mask seconds [NONTRANS] | Switches on the monitoring of database actions which take longer to be processed (including waiting in queues of DBManager) than the specified time seconds. After such a database action is finished, detailed info about it is written to a log file. If a NONTRANS clause is specified, transactional connections are not monitored. More information can be found in chapter D2000 DBManager - debugging. |
MONITOR_TRANS SHOW {ALL/<id>} [<file_path>] / ON <history_depth_sec> / OFF / RESET | Monitoring the transactions. ON - activates the monitoring. <history_depth_sec> means a time-depth history of closed transactions. OFF - deactivates the monitoring RESET - resets the list of transactions (including the opened ones) SHOW - shows either the list of transactions including the history (ALL), or the particular transaction (<id>) to a console or file <file_path> in csv format separated by ";" Columns in the list: - ID (transaction identifier) - time, task, traceback (time the last operation within the group of identical ones, task, traceback in the internal code) - comment, count (the last comment and the number of consecutive identical operations) (the identical operations has the same task and traceback) Note: After starting DBManager, the monitoring is switch off. |
MONITOR_CONNECTS SHOW {ALL/<id>} [<file_path>] / ON <history_depth_sec> / OFF / RESET | Monitoring the connections. ON - activates the monitoring. <history_depth_sec> represents the time-depth history of closed connections. OFF - deactivates the monitoring RESET - resets the list of connections (including the opened ones) SHOW - shows either the list of connections including the history (ALL), or the particular connection (<id>) to a console or file <file_path> in csv format separated by ";" Columns in the list: - ID (auxiliary identifier of connection) - logon_time, logon_task, logon_traceback (time of connection, task and traceback in internal code) - logoff_time, logoff_task, logoff_traceback (time of disconnection, task and traceback in internal code) - comment (the last written comment for the given connection, e.g. traceback in ESL code) Note: After starting DBManager, the monitoring is activated with the time-depth history of closed connections which is 3 hours (10 800 seconds). |
TIME_STATISTICS database_mask [DETAIL] | Displays statistics of execution of individual database action types per-database or per-table (if a parameter DETAIL is specified). For more information see the chapter DBManager - debugging. |
DI ON/OFF [HOBJ/mask] | Debug Info for alarm objects - enables / disables displaying the information about the evaluation of alarm objects with specified HOBJ or with the name matching given mask. If neither HOBJ or mask is specified, all alarm objects will be affected. |
SHOW_DYN_INFO HOBJ / mask | Shows dynamic information on the specified alarm object(s) on the text console of the process D2000 Alarm. Note: The command is mainly used for D2000 system diagnostic purposes. |
SHOW_TOPOLOGY HOBJ or topology_name [DETAIL] | Shows the information about topology. For more information - see the chapter Topology - Topology debugging. |
DEBUG_TOPOLOGY HOBJ or topology_mask ON/OFF | Turns on / off writing out detailed information on topology evaluation. For more information - see the chapter Topology - Topology debugging. |
SHOW_ASYMETRIC TERMINALS or TRANSFORMERS [topology_mask] | Lists asymmetric Terminals or Transformers in the topology. For more information - see the chapter Topology - Topology debugging. |
D2000 GateWay Client
GETOLDVAL remoteTagName "BeginTime" ["EndTime"] ["NORECALC"] GETOLDVAL "remoteTagName[row]^item "BeginTime" ["EndTime"] ["NORECALC"] | Reads the values of the remote tag within specified interval. If the parameter EndTime is not specified, current time will be used as the default value. Time format ("BeginTime", "EndTime") is "dd-mm-yyyy hh:mi:ss". The command may be used for example after a failure or stoppage of the application, which the process D2000 GateWay Client belongs to. It allows user to transfer values from the archive of remote application to the archive of the application. The only requirements of the value transfer is that the values of corresponding objects have been stored in the archive of the remote application. The first declaration of the command reads all values transferred by given remote tag (as well as structured objects).
The parameter NORECALC can be set at the end of the GETOLDVAL. In this case, the possible statistic calculations will not be backward executed by the process D2000 Archiv. |
DI ON/OFF [HOBJ/mask] | Debug Info for remote objects - enables / disables displaying the information about processing the values of objects with specified HOBJ or with the name matching given mask. Note: if the gateway client is run in a transparent gateway mode, use the TRGTW command to display debug information. |
SHOW_DYN_INFO HOBJ / mask | Shows dynamic information on the specified remote object(s) on the text console of the process D2000 Gateway. Note: The command is mainly used for D2000 system diagnostic purposes. |
TRGTW | Debug command for transparent gateway mode. The command lists the names of objects and their HOBJ on the local and remote systems. |
START_RECORD dir_name_only [begin_time] end_time | Starts recording of values read from the GateWay Server. For details see the command description for D2000 KOM process. Note: recorded values can be replayed by D2000 KOM process, if GateWay Client was running in a transparent gateway mode during the recording. |
STOP_RECORD | Instantly stops recording of values read from the GateWay Server. For details see the command description for D2000 KOM process. |
START_REPLAY dir_name_only [begin_time [/NOW]] or START_REPLAY dir_name_only /LOOP | Starts replaying of data recorded by command START_RECORD. For details see the command description for D2000 KOM process. |
STOP_REPLAY | Instantly stops replaying of data. For details see the command description for D2000 KOM process. |
D2000 WorkBook
OBJECTS_INFO | The process writes the list of all objects that are or was used in reports into its .log file. |
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