ALYA Gina communication protocol

Supported device types and versions
Communication line configuration
Communication station configuration
I/O tag configuration
Changes and modifications
Document revisions

Supported device types and versions

This protocol enables to read the weighted values from scales produced by ALYA Poprad. It can be used only when connecting one scale to a line, since it does not contain an addressing of scale.
For communication with more scales, you may use ALYA SPOOL protocol.

Communication line configuration

Note: to get the communication started with a specific device, signals DTR and RTS had to be set to ON, therefore communication line SerialOverUDP Device Redundant with MOXA Nport-5110 converter set to UDP mode could not be used (UDP mode does not support setting DTR and RTS to a fixed value). Instead, the converter NPort-5110 had to be switched to Real COM mode and Serial line had to be configured.

Communication station configuration

  • Communication protocol: Alya Gina
  • The station address is unimportant.

Station protocol parameters

Communication station - configuration dialog box - "Protocol parameters" tab.
They influence some of optional parameters of protocol.

Table 1

Key word Full name Meaning Unit Default value
WT Wait Timeout Delay between the readings of response until it is completed. ms 100 millisec.
WFT Wait First Timeout First waiting on response after sending the call. ms 100 millisec.
MWR Max Wait Retry Number of response reading retry until it is completed. - 6
RC Retry Count Number of call retries if some error in communication occurs. - 2

I/O tag configuration

Possible I/O tag types: AI

Addresses of I/O tags:

  • NET - net weight of load
  • TARA - tare

Note: Providing that a scale sent a message, which means that the platform is not stabilized yet, the values of NET and TARA has an invalid value.



Changes and modifications


Document revisions

  • Ver. 1.0 – July 8, 2015 – creating document
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