%HI_GraphCorrectionStart, %HI_GraphCorrectionStop functions

The function %HI_GraphCorrectionStart starts the correction of the flows in graph. This correction allows a user to correct a data curve in a graph using the mouse.

The function %HI_GraphCorrectionStop stops the correction of flows.
   INT in refId,
   INT in lineNr
   [, BOOL in multiCorrection := @FALSE]
   INT in refId
refIdReference to the graphic object of Graph type (reference variable).
lineNrNumber of line whose flow is changed.

Optional parameter.

True - Multi Correction,

False - Single Correction

Parameter multiCorrection is not entered or false. The correction starts when lineNr is in the range of the displayed flows and ends when the correction window closes.

Multi Correction
Parameter multiCorrection is true. Next to the table below the graph, a set of buttons open enabling correction of the relevant graph.

  • LineNr - the number of the line, flow of which is to be changed. The 0 value is enabled. Then, the functionality of correction begins without the start of line correction.
  • Closing the correction window only ends the ongoing correction of a flow. The window is hidden. The user can begin correcting another of the allowed flows (see %HI_GraphCorrectionLineEnable).
  • Multi-correction is ended by pressing the highest button.
  • Correction of one flow only can take place at once. After changing the flow selection, it completes the build correction.
  • The corrected flow is in the table below graph displayed highlighted in light red.
When starting the function, the user creates the correction control points (at the most 50) that helps to define a data correction by change of their position. These control points are represented by marks and linked by a correction curve. When you left-click over the control point and drag and drop it on the new position, it causes the change. When dragging, the control point, correction curve and data flow are redrawn.

The function %HI_GraphCorrectionStop stops the correction. When calling this function, the event OnGraphCorrectionStop is generated. The changes concerning the correction are saved into data of graph. They are processed by a picture script. Data can be called by the function %HI_GraphGetLineData.

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