VONSCH VQfrem 400 protocol
Supported device types and versions
Communication line configuration
Communication station configuration
I/O tag configuration
Changes and modifications
Document revisions
Supported device types and versions
The protocol is used for communication with vector control frequency converters VQfrem 400 (for 3 x 400 V motors) from VONSCH. Reading values from inverters is supported. Commanding or writing values is not supported.
Communication line configuration
- Communication line category: Serial, SerialOverUDP Device Redundant (serial communication).
- Note: serial communication has been tested with a VQfrem 400 with 609h firmware.
Serial line setting: 19200 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, RS-485 interface.
The serial line speed is configurable on the drive (2400 - 19200 baud).
Communication station configuration
- Communication protocol: VONSCH VQfrem 400.
- The station address is a 16-bit number (1-32767). It can be entered decimally (e.g. 1 or 1234) or hexadecimally using a hash (e.g. #0001 or #4D2).
Address 32768 (#8000) serves as a broadcast for commanding - all devices receive it, but none respond to it.
Station protocol parameters
Communication station - configuration dialog box - tab Protocol parameters.
They influence some of the optional parameters. You can set the following station protocol parameters:
Table 1
Full Debug | Logging of detailed debug information about communication in the line log. | - | NO |
Retry Count | Maximum count of request retries. If no response returns after a request had been sent, the station's status will change to a communication error. | - | 2 |
Retry Timeout | Timeout before resending a request if no response has been received. | ss.ms | 0.1 |
Wait First Timeout | The delay after sending the request and before reading the response. | ss.ms | 0.1 |
Wait Timeout | The delay between the response readings. | ss.ms | 0.1 |
Max Wait Retry | The maximum number of retries of the response reading. | - | 6 |
I/O tag configuration
I/O tags: Ai, Ci
I/O tag address
The address of the I/O tag is a 16-bit number (1-65535). It can be entered decimally (e.g. 1 or 1234) or hexadecimally using a hash (e.g. #0001 or #4D2).
Table 2 - quantities available for reading according to the documentation
#0001 | Software version | 609h for ver. 6.09, (402h for ver. 4.02, 304h for ver. 3.04) |
#0004 | Voltage range | 190h for 400V, 191h for 400 ...M, 2b2h for 690V |
#0025 | Freq. INV - the frequency of voltage on converter’s output (stator frequency) | +/- XXX,XX Hz |
#0026 | Revolves - output revolutions of the motor | +/- XXXX rev/min |
#0027 | Revol/i - evolutions behind gear/transmission | +/- XXXX,X rev/min |
#0028 | Freq.RT - rotor frequency (evaluated from speed encoder – IRC) | +/- XX,XX Hz |
#0029 | Freq.RF - required converter frequency | +/- XX,XX Hz |
#002A | MT Curr. - effective current value into the motor | XXX,X A |
#002B | R.torque - required mechanical motor torque | +/- XXX,X Nm |
#002C | Torque - mechanical motor torque | +/- XXX,X Nm |
#002D | Mag. flux - rotor magnetic flux | X,XXX Wb |
#002E | Volt. MT - momentary motor supply voltage (100.0% responds to 400 V) | XXX,X % |
#002F | Volt. DC - real voltage of converter’s unidirectional DC bus | XXX V |
#0030 | Inp.pow. - momentary input power into the motor | XXX,X kW |
#0031 | MT power - motor power | XXX,X kW |
#0032 | kW hours - motor energy consumption in kWh | XXXX kWh |
#0033 | MW hours - motor energy consumption in MWh | XXXX MWh |
#0034 | Teplota chladiča meniča | XX,X °C |
#0035 | Temp.INV. - air temperature in the converter | XX,X °C |
#0036 | PR ref. - required value of process regulator | XX,X % |
#0037 | PR real - feedback of process regulator (real value) | XX,X % |
#0038 | Inp. AIN1 - the value of analogue input AIN1 in % range | XX,X % |
#0039 | Inp. AIN2 - the value of analogue input AIN2 in % range | XX,X % |
#003A | Hodnota analógového vstupu 3 v % rozsahu | XX,X % |
#003B | BIN 1-6 - status of binary inputs BIN 1 - BIN 6 (bits 0-5 from the received value - bit numbering is from 0 to 15). | 0=input is open 1=input is closed |
#003C | RELAY 1-2,3 - the status of relay inputs RELAY 1 - RELAY 4 (bits 8-10 from the received value - bit numbering is from 0 to 15). | 0=relay is open 1=relay is closed |
#003D | Hours INV - converter operating time counter | XXXX h |
#003E | Hours MT - motor operating time counter | XXXX h |
#003F | Pos.ref. - required position in a case of „position“ variable | +/- XXXX,X cm |
#0040 | Position - real position | +/- XXXX,X cm |
#0041 | Pos. TSW2 - the trajectory for running down when Terminal switch TSW2 is on | +/- XXXX cm |
#0042 | Deviation from zero position when calibrating the ARC position sensor | XXXX d |
#0043 | cos(fi ) - momentary value of motor power factor | +/- X,XX |
#0044 | See Warnings register 2 | - |
#0045 | See Warnings register 1 | - |
#0046 | See Faults register | - |
#0048 | Overload - a momentary value of overload | XXX.X % |
#0049 | Service SL - service displayed variable Slave | +/- XXXX d |
#004a | Service MS - service displayed variable Master | +/- XXXX d |
All values are transmitted as 16-bit numbers. The KOM process interprets them as signed or positive by address
(signed are #0025-#0027, #002B, #002C, #003F-#0041, #0043, #0049-#004a).
If the number is fractional, the corresponding linear conversion must be entered in the I/O tag configuration in the Conversion tab (e.g. coefficient A=0.1 for #0030, A=0.01 for #0028).
Table 3 - Faults register (values of the I/O tag with address #0045). If an arbitrary bit is set to logical 1, the corresponding fault/failure has arisen in the converter.
0 | Converter Overcurrent |
1 | Converter Overload |
2 | Converter Undervoltage |
3 | Converter Overvoltage |
4 | Motor Overheat |
5 | Heatsink Temperature |
6 | Incorrect parameters of currents, motor constants, or speed |
7 | Regulation error |
8 | Identification error |
9 | Output short circuit |
10 | IRC failure (ARC), RM-ARC |
11 | Input or Output phase loss |
12 | External failure |
13 | Temperature in inverter |
14 | AIN1, AIN2, or AIN3 disconnected |
15 | reserved |
Table 4 - Warnings register 1 (values of the I/O tag with address #0045). If an arbitrary bit is set to logical 1, the converter generates a corresponding warning.
0 | some warnings W1-W5: |
1 | W6 - Motor cooler has reached an increased temperature (over 75 °C). For VQFREM 400 005, 007, and 011 types, the module temperature is over 90 °C |
2 | W7 - The converter switches itself into scalar mode due to IRC/ARC failure. |
3 | W8 - Signalisation of reverse direction of IRC/ARC. |
4 | F7 - The time needed for motor field suppression has not expired yet (before subsequent start). |
5 | W12 - Process regulator is saturated. Converter frequency has reached its maximum value. |
6 | F9 - Position calibration initiated by 9.4.3 command, or calibration of IRC encoder on the synchronous motor. |
7 | F11 - The speed decreased to zero by activating a software terminal switch. |
8 | F8 - Dynamic deceleration was activated as a result of a sharp decrease in speed. |
9 | W16 - Sensored motor temperature has achieved nonpermissible value. |
10 | W17 - If EWCP,(M),(I) panel is active (2.4.1)and the connection with the converter has failed. |
11 | F2 - Maximal current regulator (par.13.3.1) is active. It limits the current to the value of parameter 9.10.1 |
12 | F3 - The converter is in kinetic backup mode after input power failure. |
13 | F4 - The converter is processing the frequency for the spinning motor. |
14 | F5 - Sleep function of process regulator. |
15 | F6 - Braking unit is active. |
Table 5 - Warnings register 2 (values of the I/O tag with address #0044). If an arbitrary bit is set to logical 1, the converter generates a corresponding warning.
0 | W23 - The converter recognized no load at output terminals U, V, W at START command. |
1 | F12 - Terminal switch 1 or terminal switch 2 is switched on. |
2 | F13 - The function „flux braking“ (8.3.1) increases motor excitation proportionally to UDC-UDCnom |
3 | W9 - Converter input phase was interrupted |
4 | reserved |
5 | F14 - OFF-LINE identification of some motor parameters (Rs, Ls+Lm, Uinit). |
6 | W25 - The air temperature in the converter is more than 70 °C. |
7 | reserved |
8 | W18 - Serial communication error has occurred - RS232 (RS485) |
9 | F16 - It signalizes, that relay with the function „shut-down, overload“ has just been released. |
www.vonsch.sk - A web site of vector frequency converter manufacturer
Manuál for VQfrem 400 vector frequency converter
Changes and modifications
- 21.1.2000 – Testing the communication
Document revisions
- Ver. 1.0 – March 16, 2018 - the creation of a document
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