VONSCH VQfrem 400 protocol

Supported device types and versions
Communication line configuration
Communication station configuration
I/O tag configuration
Changes and modifications
Document revisions

Supported device types and versions

The protocol is used for communication with vector control frequency converters VQfrem 400 (for 3 x 400 V motors) from VONSCH. Reading values from inverters is supported. Commanding or writing values is not supported.

Communication line configuration

  • Communication line category: Serial, SerialOverUDP Device Redundant (serial communication).
  • Note: serial communication has been tested with a VQfrem 400 with 609h firmware.
    Serial line setting: 19200 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, RS-485 interface.
    The serial line speed is configurable on the drive (2400 - 19200 baud).

Communication station configuration

  • Communication protocol: VONSCH VQfrem 400.
  • The station address is a 16-bit number (1-32767). It can be entered decimally (e.g. 1 or 1234) or hexadecimally using a hash (e.g. #0001 or #4D2).
    Address 32768 (#8000) serves as a broadcast for commanding - all devices receive it, but none respond to it.

Station protocol parameters

Communication station - configuration dialog box - tab Protocol parameters.
They influence some of the optional parameters. You can set the following station protocol parameters:

Table 1

Full Debug

Logging of detailed debug information about communication in the line log.-NO

Retry Count

Maximum count of request retries. If no response returns after a request had been sent, the station's status will change to a communication error.-2

Retry Timeout

Timeout before resending a request if no response has been received.ss.ms0.1

Wait First Timeout

The delay after sending the request and before reading the response.ss.ms0.1

Wait Timeout

The delay between the response readings.ss.ms0.1

Max Wait Retry

The maximum number of retries of the response reading.-6

I/O tag configuration

I/O tags: Ai, Ci

I/O tag address

The address of the I/O tag is a 16-bit number (1-65535). It can be entered decimally (e.g. 1 or 1234) or hexadecimally using a hash (e.g. #0001 or #4D2).

Table 2 - quantities available for reading according to the documentation

#0001Software version609h for ver. 6.09, (402h for ver. 4.02, 304h for ver. 3.04)


Voltage range190h for 400V, 191h for 400 ...M, 2b2h for 690V
#0025Freq. INV - the frequency of voltage on converter’s output (stator frequency) +/- XXX,XX Hz
#0026Revolves - output revolutions of the motor+/- XXXX rev/min
#0027Revol/i - evolutions behind gear/transmission+/- XXXX,X rev/min
#0028Freq.RT - rotor frequency (evaluated from speed encoder – IRC)+/- XX,XX Hz
#0029Freq.RF - required converter frequency+/- XX,XX Hz

MT Curr. - effective current value into the motor

#002BR.torque - required mechanical motor torque +/- XXX,X Nm
#002CTorque - mechanical motor torque +/- XXX,X Nm
#002DMag. flux - rotor magnetic fluxX,XXX Wb
#002EVolt. MT - momentary motor supply voltage (100.0% responds to 400 V)XXX,X %
#002FVolt. DC - real voltage of converter’s unidirectional DC busXXX V
#0030Inp.pow. - momentary input power into the motorXXX,X kW

MT power - motor power

#0032kW hours - motor energy consumption in kWhXXXX kWh
#0033MW hours - motor energy consumption in MWhXXXX MWh
#0034Teplota chladiča meničaXX,X °C
#0035Temp.INV. - air temperature in the converterXX,X °C
#0036PR ref. - required value of process regulatorXX,X %
#0037PR real - feedback of process regulator (real value)XX,X %
#0038Inp. AIN1 - the value of analogue input AIN1 in % rangeXX,X %
#0039Inp. AIN2 - the value of analogue input AIN2 in % rangeXX,X %
#003AHodnota analógového vstupu 3 v % rozsahuXX,X %

BIN 1-6 - status of binary inputs BIN 1 - BIN 6 (bits 0-5 from the received value - bit numbering is from 0 to 15). 

0=input is open
1=input is closed

RELAY 1-2,3 - the status of relay inputs RELAY 1 - RELAY 4  (bits 8-10 from the received value - bit numbering is from 0 to 15). 

0=relay is open
1=relay is closed
#003DHours INV - converter operating time counterXXXX h
#003EHours MT - motor operating time counterXXXX h
#003FPos.ref. - required position in a case of „position“ variable+/- XXXX,X cm
#0040Position - real position+/- XXXX,X cm
#0041Pos. TSW2 - the trajectory for running down when Terminal switch TSW2 is on+/- XXXX cm
#0042Deviation from zero position when calibrating the ARC position sensorXXXX d
#0043cos(fi ) - momentary value of motor power factor+/- X,XX
#0044See Warnings register 2-
#0045See Warnings register 1-

See Faults register

#0048Overload - a momentary value of overloadXXX.X %
#0049Service SL - service displayed variable Slave+/- XXXX d
#004aService MS - service displayed variable Master

+/- XXXX d

All values are transmitted as 16-bit numbers. The KOM process interprets them as signed or positive by address
(signed are #0025-#0027, #002B, #002C, #003F-#0041, #0043, #0049-#004a).

If the number is fractional, the corresponding linear conversion must be entered in the I/O tag configuration in the Conversion tab (e.g. coefficient A=0.1 for #0030, A=0.01 for #0028).

Table  3 - Faults register (values of the I/O tag with address #0045). If an arbitrary bit is set to logical 1, the corresponding fault/failure has arisen in the converter. 

0Converter Overcurrent
1Converter Overload
2Converter Undervoltage
3Converter Overvoltage
4Motor Overheat
5Heatsink Temperature

Incorrect parameters of currents, motor constants, or speed

7Regulation error
8Identification error
9Output short circuit
10IRC failure (ARC), RM-ARC

Input or Output phase loss

12External failure
13Temperature in inverter
14AIN1, AIN2, or AIN3 disconnected


Table 4 - Warnings register 1 (values of the I/O tag with address #0045). If an arbitrary bit is set to logical 1, the converter generates a corresponding warning. 


some warnings W1-W5:
W1 - The converter reduces motor magnetic flux in order to achieve over-synchronous revolutions.
W2 - Magnetic flux has decreased to the minimal value at field suppression.
W3 - Regulator of magnetic flux is saturated (only in vector mode). 
W4 - Regulator of motor torque is saturated (only in vector mode).
W5 - Speed regulator is saturated (only in vector mode). 

1W6 - Motor cooler has reached an increased temperature (over 75 °C).
For VQFREM 400 005, 007, and 011 types, the module temperature is over 90 °C
2W7 - The converter switches itself into scalar mode due to IRC/ARC failure.
3W8 - Signalisation of reverse direction of IRC/ARC.
4F7 - The time needed for motor field suppression has not expired yet (before subsequent start).
5W12 - Process regulator is saturated. Converter frequency has reached its maximum value. 

F9 - Position calibration initiated by 9.4.3 command, or calibration of IRC encoder on the synchronous motor.
F10 - IRC zero pulse is being searched on the synchronous motor after the converter was connected to the power network and the START command was selected. 

7F11 - The speed decreased to zero by activating a software terminal switch. 
8F8 - Dynamic deceleration was activated as a result of a sharp decrease in speed.
9W16 - Sensored motor temperature has achieved nonpermissible value.
10W17 - If EWCP,(M),(I) panel is active (2.4.1)and the connection with the converter has failed.

F2 - Maximal current regulator (par.13.3.1) is active. It limits the current to the value of parameter 9.10.1

12F3 - The converter is in kinetic backup mode after input power failure.
13F4 - The converter is processing the frequency for the spinning motor.
14F5 - Sleep function of process regulator.

F6 - Braking unit is active.

Table 5 - Warnings register 2 (values of the I/O tag with address #0044). If an arbitrary bit is set to logical 1, the converter generates a corresponding warning. 

0W23 - The converter recognized no load at output terminals U, V, W at START command. 
1F12 - Terminal switch 1 or terminal switch 2 is switched on.
2F13 - The function „flux braking“ (8.3.1) increases motor excitation proportionally to UDC-UDCnom
3W9 - Converter input phase was interrupted 
5F14 - OFF-LINE identification of some motor parameters (Rs, Ls+Lm, Uinit).

W25 - The air temperature in the converter is more than 70 °C. 

8W18 - Serial communication error has occurred - RS232 (RS485)
9F16 - It signalizes, that relay with the function „shut-down, overload“ has just been released.


www.vonsch.sk - A web site of vector frequency converter manufacturer

Manuál for VQfrem 400 vector frequency converter

Changes and modifications

  • 21.1.2000 – Testing the communication

Document revisions

  • Ver. 1.0 – March 16, 2018 - the creation of a document

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