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Expected IntervalEDW LPEX V2.0 communication protocol

Communication line configuration
Communication station configuration
I/O tag configuration
I/O tag address
Error indication
Changes and modifications
Document revisions


EDW LPEX V2.0 protocol is a simple text file protocol. Its implementation is based on a sequential processing of file rows. Two types of files are supported:

  • LPEX file
  • MPX file

The LPEX file consists of a header and part with data. The header contains a description of data, that are separated by a defined separator. This separator is used to separate also data in each row of a document.

An example of LPEX file body:


One row of table corresponds to one row in a text file. As a separator there is used a symbol ";", which may be defined in the station parameters - parameter "Column Delimiter".

For better visibility, the data is displayed in a table below. The header columns are described in Protocol parameters in the section Communication station configuration.

LPEX V2.0                
DatumZeit         ZPB Kennzahl Einheit Wandlerfaktor MPDauer Werte  
15.4.20140:07:00         xxxAP-MkWh1100
15.4.20140:07:00         yyyAP+MkWh1100
15.4.20140:07:00         zzzAP-M kWh11270

The MPX file is an even more primitive text file protocol that has only a data portion. The body of the MPX file may look as follows:



For better visibility, the data is displayed in a table below. The header columns are described in Protocol parameters in the section Communication station configuration.

SK10000022099000000000ETRENCIN_G1AP-M  1 0100  0180515113692.4kWh
SK10000022099000000000ETRENCIN_G2AP-M 1 0100  0180515113694.8kWh
SK10000022099000000000ETRENCIN_T1AP-M  1 0100  0180515113691 kWh

When MPX files are analyzed, the column order is fixed, and the protocol parameters that specify the column names in the LPEX header as well as the maximum number of columns (Date Column NameTime Column Name .. Interval Name and Max. Columns Number)  are ignored. Parameters Date Conversion Mask and Time Conversion Mask, specifying the date and time format, are also ignored, and format yymmddhhmi is assumed.

Communication line configuration

  • Communication line category: FILE I/O.
  • The parameter "Input File" is used only if the parameters Primary FTP Server and/or Secondary FTP Server are specified and by parameter ZIP File Mask specifies, that input files are in ZIP format (*.zip) - the input files are downloaded from the specified FTP servers and the ZIP files are searched for in the directory specified by the "Input File" parameter.

  • The parameter "Archive" specifies a folder for storing processed files.

Communication station configuration

Communication station - configuration dialog box, Protocol parameters.
They influence some of the optional protocol parameters. A user may define the following station protocol parameters:

ParameterDefault valueMeaning

File Type

LPEXType of processed files - LPEX (*.lpx) or MPX (*.mpx).

Date Column Name

DatumColumn name containing date.
Time Column Name
ZeitColumn name that contains a time data.
Address Column Name
ZPBColumn name that contains a value address.
Tech. Units Column Name
EinHeitColumn name that contains a unit of a measured value.
Value Column Name
WerteColumn name that contains the measured values.
Value Type Column Name
KennzahlColumn name that contains a value type (AP+ ,AP- ,AQ+ ,AQ-).
Interval Name
MPDauerColumn name that contains a granularity of measurements [min].
Max. Columns Number
30Defines maximum column count, that are scanned when data acquisition.
Column Delimiter
;Value separator in the header and body.
Date Conversion Mask mask for a conversion of date in the text format to an internal date. In case of MPX files the mask is ignored.
Time Conversion Mask
hh:mi:ssA mask for a conversion of time in the text format to an internal time.In case of MPX files the mask is ignored.
Note: time in LPEX as well as MPX file is presumed to be in winter time. 
Command Path
 Directory for storing the batch files (e.g. unpacked ZIP archive).
Command Path VMS
 Only for OpenVMS. Directory (e.g. DKA0:[IFAZD]) containing the batch files TESTZIP.COM and UNZIP.COM.
Download Command File
ftp_download.comBatch file for downloading data from FTP server.
Delete Temporary Files
deltmp.comBatch file for deleting of temporary files (FTP_DELETECMD, MAKE_TESTZIP.COM, MAKE_UNZIP.COM).
ZIP File Mask
GOEONL{rrrr}-{mm}-{dd}-{hh}-{mi}-{ss}.zip*Time and date mask for name of ZIP file. If the parameter is empty, it is assumed that LPEX or MPX files are located in the directory specified by parameter Directory for Unzipped files.
LPX File Mask

Time and date mask for name of unzipped LPEX files. If MPX files are processed, their name must match mask *{yy}{mm}{dd}{hh}{mi}.mpx or at least *{yy}{mm}{dd}{hh}{mi} e.g. ETREN_03_1805151136.mpx

Directory for Unzipped files
DKA200:[000000.IFAZD.UNZIPPED]Directory, from which the unzipped LPEX or MPX files will be read.
Remote Data Directory
2RoveDirectory on FTP server that contains ZIP files.
Primary FTP Server address of primary FTP server.
Secondary FTP Server address of secondary FTP server.
FTP User
azduserFTP user name on both the primary and secondary FTP server.
FTP Password
***FTP user password on both the primary and secondary FTP server.
FTP Connection Timeout
30If the downloading or deleting of files on FTP server took longer than this setting, this information is written into the log file of KOM process.
Active Energy Tech. Units
MWHTechnical units of active energy .
Reactive Energy Tech. Units
MVARHTechnical units of reactive energy.
Expected Interval
1 minExpected time interval of all values. If the value in processed file in "Interval Name" column is higher than "Expected Interval", the value of energy will be evenly split into several intervals of "Expected Interval" size.
The value 0 disables this feature.
Analyze Archived Files on Startup
YESKOM process, when starting, inspects old data sources in order to recalculate the value of electrical work.
Send Old Values
NOAnalyzes also the files that are older than "Maximum File Age".
Maximum File Age
3 hodIf the interval is exceeded, the values are either ignored or processed as Old Values, depending on the parameter "Send Old Values".

Debug unknown and lost tags  

NOEnables displaying of warnings about addresses of measurement points with missing I/O tag.

Old Values As New Values

NOAll values from communication (even old ones) go to the system as new values.

I/O tag configuration

Permitted I/O tags: Ai

I/O tag address

I/O tag address consists of three parts.

First one defines the type of value:

  • P - Power (calculated from Energy read from the input file)
  • W - Work (calculated by integrating Power within current hour)
  • E - Energy (directly from the input file with possible recalculations due to size of Interval -  see the parameter Expected Interval)

The second one - "Primary EAN Code" and "BackupEAN Code" are used as a unique identifier of value, which is placed in "Address Column Name" of source file.

The third part represents the value type (AP+,AP-,AQ+,AQ-), which is in the "Value Type Column Name".

Following special addresses exist:

  • I/O tag with the address TRIGGER will be set to a value equal to the number of processed LPEX or MPX files immediately after the processing is done
  • I/O tag with the address INVALIDS will be set to a value equal to the number of I/O tags the data for which were not found in a file that was just processed

Error indication

The flags FA and FB are used to indicate the situations, when data processing was not done as expected. FB flag is set only for the performance values on condition that the files comes from other server, i.e. they are transmitted through FTP. It relates to the following situations:

  • time in the file is older than "Maximum File Age" and the parameter "Send Old Values" is enabled at the same time,
  • data are not processed during the current hour, for example, if the record with time stamp 13:45 comes in the time 14:03,
  • older data, as already processed, come for I/O tag.

In these cases, the values are archived without flag. The most recent valid value will have FB flag.

  • There were received data with the same time stamp as current time stamp of I/O tag, but with the different value. FB flag is set for this particular value.
  • The name of each processed file contains also the information about time. If this time is different from time stamp of value stored in the file, this data has also FB flag, in case of both archival and current value.

The performance values will be preprocessed before sending to D2000 Server. If the values are received in N-minutes intervals, the value from the file will be divided by a number (N* 60), which ensures that from the integral value of work will be average performance. The time stamp of this artificial performance value will be moved to the beginning of interval.

If the protocol is configured so that data are downloaded from FTP servers, user may set the primary and secondary FTP server. If data downloading from primary server failed, the secondary one is used. Data processed in such a way have FA flag.
These value flags are displayed in the archival dialog box of I/O tag, column "Value flag".


Changes and modifications


Document revisions

  • Ver. 1.0 - April 23, 2014 - New document.
  • Ver. 1.1 - May 17, 2018 - Support for MPX files.
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