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Historical value representation

Historical value representation

Meaning of the buttons placed in the dialog box is following:

Button Meaning
Export Saves values displayed in the table into a file. Clicking the button opens the menu allowing to save values in a text file, CSV file or to copy them into the clipboard. It is also possible to save either all the values of the table (the All values item) or only selected values (lines).
Columns Configuration of columns displayed in the table.
Edit Edits selected value of the archive object.
Delete Deletes selected value of the archive object.
Insert Inserts a new value into the current table position.
Button Show in graph Shows values of the archive object in graph.
Close Closes the dialog box of the archive object.

Note: The buttons Edit, Delete, Insert are disabled if an archive object disallows this activity from HI.

The parameters Row and Column are enabled if the browsed archive object is a structure. When changing row (Row parameter) or column (Column parameter) of the particular archive object and clicking on button , it loads data from archive. The change is indicated by red colour of the parameter Row or Column. You can see the current values in the object name in a title bar.

The button refreshes the displayed data of the archive object.

If the archive contains more values for given time interval than may be displayed in the dialog box, you must use the paging functions. For easy orientation and moving within the multi-page list you can use the buttons located below the list.

Paging buttons

Table description

Besides particular values of an archive object, each table line contains other information concerning the given value. Their displaying depend on the table column settings. Table has the following structure:

Column Contents
Time Information about the time when the value was saved into the archive database. If the msec parameter is checked then the column displays time data with the millisecond accuracy. Checked Year parameter allows to display information about current year.
Value Value of the archive object (object Historical value type) in corresponding time. If it contains “???” string, this value is not valid.
Limits Limit state of the value: InLimit, VL-Limit,L-Limit, H-Limit, VH-Limit, LimitsProblem
Value state Process state of the value: Invalid, ProcAlarm, NoAckPAlarm, PrAlSilent, Weak, NoAckValue, Transient, Default, Manual, PrAlCrit.
Value flags Flags of the value. This column displays only the flags with TRUE value.

Colors in table:

  • White color - data from the archive database. An editing is enabled.
  • Red color - data from the archive database. An editing is disabled.
  • Grey - life data from the graphs. An editing is disabled.

The descriptions of  individual value states are explained in the following table.

Value state Meaning
INLIMIT The value is at once greater than the low limit (Low Limit) and less than the high limit (High Limit).
VL_LIMIT The value is less than the lowest limit (Very Low Limit).
L_LIMIT The value is less than the low limit (Low Limit).
H_LIMIT The value is less than the high limit (High Limit).
VH_LIMIT The value is less than the highest limit (Very High Limit).
LIMITSPROBLEM Condition VLL < LL < HL < VHL is violated.
TRANSIENT The command to set value was issued at the moment of the value writing into the archive database, but backward reading has not verified the value setting.
DEFAULT The value in Default mode (default value).
WEAK Suspicious value (Weak Value). This value is not valid in the system because all the validity conditions are not met, yet.
INVALID Invalid object value.
ProcAlarm The state is occurred in case that the given object has an active process alarm.
NoAckPAlarm The state is occurred in case that the process alarm is not acknowledged by operator in process D2000 HI.
PrAlSilent The state is occurred in case that the given object hasn't any active process alarm, or Silent option is enabled at configuration of object process alarms in the process D2000 CNF.
NoAckValue The state is occurred in case that the last object value change is not acknowledged by operator in process D2000 HI.
Manual The object value is in Manual state, if it is manually adjusted by operator in process D2000 HI.
PrAlCrit The status is occurred in case that the process alarm is defined as critical one in the process D2000 CNF.

The following table explains the archive flags.

Archive flag Meaning
START Value stored into the database at the moment of D2000 Archiv start.
STOP Value stored into the database at the moment of D2000 Archiv stop.
BLOCK Value stored into the database at the beginning of blocking the archiving (by the stop condition of archiving configured in D2000 CNF).
UNBLOCK Value stored into the database at the end of blocking the archiving  (by the start condition of archiving configured in D2000 CNF).
DELETED Value from the archive database that was deleted by an user.
USERMODIFY Value in the archive that was modified by an user.
OLDVAL Old value obtained from communication.
PROCESMODIFY Value was modified by a D2000 process different than HI (e.g. by EVENT via action UPDATEARCHVAL).
LOADDATA Obsolete: value was obtained from OS/2 database SQL Gupta via On-line archive database import.
MONO_TIME Value is stored with monotonous time. All values in D2000 version 6.5 and above have this flag. In case of archive databases, created in previous D2000 versions, this flag is newer for all values than the time of starting the new archive.
Note: Flag MONO_TIME is not displayed in HI.
K Archive flag only occurs in the periodic archives. To avoid unnecessary space consumption in database, the periodic archives are archived when they change. I.e. if the value and its attributes (limits, value state, value flags) remain the same as in previous period, it will not be written to the database. During the reading this value will be reconstructed as a copy of previous value, with changed time and set 'K' archive flag.
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