General rules for drawing graphic objects
- The left mouse button is used to create the graphic objects. The use depends on the type of object that is being created.
- The right mouse button is used to cancel drawing the graphic object.
- The shift key is used for positioning another point of the graphic object at a 45° angle or any multiple of the angle (drawing of multilines, polygon, etc.).
- The ctrl key allows creating (you must hold it down) another object of the same type as currently created - e.g. drawing concentric circles (Note: the option Auto select must be unchecked).
- Left mouse double click is used to stop drawing some types of graphic objects (e.g. multiline, polygon).
- Ctrl key+right mouse button - the action undo - cancels your last action when creating the graphic object. It cancels the last created point of the graphic object (e.g. polygon, multiline).
Default properties of graphic objects
Each newly created object in the process D2000 GrEditor is drawn by using default parameters. For example: if there is defined a blue line color, so the outline color of all new graphic objects created in the D2000 GrEditor will be blue. If you want to change the default parameters, you must redefine them.
Default properties
- If any graphic object or group of graphic objects is selected, cancel the selection by using one of the following actions:
- click on the picture out of any graphic object,
- click on any button in the Drawing toolbar.
The text "Default properties" will appear in the title bar of the palette Object properties.
- In the palette Object properties (with Default properties in the titlebar), set the required default parameters of graphic objects.
These parameters will be used for graphic objects - each new object will be created according to the default parameters. You can, of course, change the parameters (or parameters for individual graphic object) according to your needs at any moment.
Graphic object parameters
The common parameters of created objects (color, pattern, ...) are obtained from the palette Object properties. The connection parameters are not defined for each graphic object.
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