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The D2000 installer will install:

  • D2000 product files
  • scripts for application management, archives and D2000 processes

Installation and configuration must be performed as a root user 

Configuration of PostgreSQL access rights

Edit the PostgreSQL configuration file /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf (location may vary depending on installation) by inserting underlined lines:


# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only

local   all             dba                                     password

local   all             all                                     peer

# IPv4 local connections:

host    all             dba               md5

host    all             all               ident

Lines for a specific user (dba) who uses the D2000, must precede the lines for all users (all), otherwise, they do not apply.
(PostgreSQL takes into account the first line, which meets the conditions of the connection type, database and user, or IP addresses specified in the first columns.)

PostgreSQL configuration for D2000 operation in redundancy

In the case of running D2000 in redundancy, the database server must be network accessible from the redundant application server, so it is necessary:

1) to add a rule (where  is the IP address of the backup server):

# IPv4 local connections:

host    all             dba               md5

host    all             dba             password

host    all             all               ident

2) to set up the PostgreSQL database server to accept connections on external network interfaces (more on In file /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf (location may vary depending on installation)  set the parameter to listen_addresses




# - Connection Settings -

listen_addresses = ''        # what IP address(es) to listen on;

After editing, restart PostgreSQL with the command:

systemctl restart postgresql

Creating a user under which the D2000 application server will run

Create a new user by the command

adduser <username>

where <username> is your chosen username. Later, during the installation process, you will be asked for the name of the user with whose rights the D2000 will run, enter the chosen user.

Start the D2000 application server installation

The D2000 Linux installation is performed from an installation package named d2000-<verzia>-x86_64-linux-bin.tar.gz

  1. Copy the package to the working directory ( /tmp
  2. In the working directory, run the command tar -xvzf d2000-<version>-x86_64-linux-bin.tar.gz. After the command is completed, there is a subdirectory in the working directory d2000-<version>-x86_64-linux-bin,  which contains the files needed to install the D2000.
  3. Go into this subdirectory and run the ./doinstall script. The installation wizard starts.

    [root@localhost d2000_v12.0.060.b01-x86_64-linux-bin]# ./doinstall
    Copyright (c) 2017 IPESOFT Ltd.
    This script will install the D2000 application server.
    You can find a complete log of the installation in "/tmp/d2000_install.20171121T232413.log".
    Please press ENTER to continue.

    After pressing ENTER, the installer will ask for installation parameters.

Parameters of installation

Choose D2000 instance name ('?' for list all installed instances) [d2000]:

Choose a name for the installed D2000 instance. Several independent installations (instances) of the D2000 application server can be installed on one computer at a time. To distinguish them, it is necessary to name the instance. The default name is d2000. If you enter '?', the names of already installed instances will be displayed.

In which directory do you want to install D2000? [/opt/d2000]:

Select the installation destination directory. The D2000 program components will be installed in this directory.

Enter D2000 applications directory [/opt/d2000/app]:

Select a directory, into which will the created D2000 applications be placed within this instance.

Enter D2000 log directory [/opt/d2000/log]:

Select a directory, into which will the logs be placed 

Enter D2000 user:

Select a name for the Linux user under which the D2000 system will run. 

Enter D2000 group:

Select a name a group under which the D2000 system will run.

Local IP address 1 []:
Local IP address 2 []:

The D2000 server needs to know the IP address (es) of the computer for its operation. Change addresses only in case of incorrect autodetection.

Enter path to postgresql bin [/usr/pgsql-9.6/bin]:

Path to the PostgreSQL bin directory. Change the path only if the autodetection is incorrect.

Systemd postgresql service name [postgresql-9.6.service]:

The name of the PostgreSQL service in systemd. Change the path only if the autodetection is incorrect.

After filling in the parameters, the installer will display a summary:

Ready to install the D2000 application server:
 Instance name: d2000
 Install dir: /opt/d2000
 Applications dir: /opt/d2000/app
 Log dir: /opt/d2000/log
 User: root
 Local IP address 1:
 Local IP address 2:
 psql executable: /usr/pgsql-9.6/bin/psql
 Systemd postgresql service: postgresql-9.6.service

Proceed (yY|nN)? [y]:

If you wish to stop the installation enter 'n'.

If you wish to proceed and execute the installation with preset parameters, enter 'y' and the installer will complete the installation process.

Proceed (yY|nN)? [y]: y
Creating directory "/opt/d2000"...done
Copying files...done
Installation complete.

At this point, the D2000 system is installed.

You can continue by creating an application, archive, or remote process.

If you are going to apply the D2000 patches to your installation, read the Specific differences between Linux and Windows.

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