The SmartWeb framework for facilitating the development of web applications built on the React JavaScript library offers several preset components with connection to the D2000 system via D2Api. Supplied components are located in the components directory of the SmartWeb framework and they are further logically divided into directories according to their designation. Some components can be imported alternatively also with CSS styles - in that case, the file name has the prefix "themed". "Themed" versions of components are basically the "unthemed" ones together with preset CSS styles. For example: 

// themed version of alert component
import alert from 'framework/components/alert/themedAlert'

// alert component version without CSS styles - unthemed, it is necessary to import CSS manually
import alert from 'framework/components/alert/alert'

Dialogue Windows (framework/components/alert)


The Alert component serves for displaying dialogue windows. The component uses SweetAlert2 as a source library and its interface is identical with the interface of the SweetAlert2 library. The component has a styled version with the predefined CSS styles too.

// themed version of alert component
import alert from 'framework/components/alert/themedAlert'
// alert component version without CSS styles - unthemed, it is necessary to import CSS manually
// import alert from 'framework/components/alert/alert'

// example of usage
alert({title: 'Success', text: 'It was successful!', type: 'success'});

Authentication Components (framework/components/auth)


The LoginForm component represents a form with which the user logs in to the web application - to the D2000 system. To use the LoginForm component, it is necessary to define a text field (html element <input>) with the name "j_username" as a user name, a text field with the name "j_password" for the password of a user and the submitting button (element <button type="submit">). The login operation itself is implemented on the SmartWeb level and after successful authentication, the user is redirected to the page  pages/index.html.

import React from 'react'
import SimplePageContainer from 'framework/components/react/simplePageContainer'
import LoginForm from 'framework/components/auth/loginForm'

// Simple example of LoginForm component usage
SimplePageContainer.renderComponent(class LoginPage extends React.Component {
        render() {
            return (
                <LoginForm {...this.props}>
                    <input type="text" placeholder="User name" required="" name="j_username"/>
                    <input type="password" placeholder="Password" name="j_password"/>
                    <button type="submit">Login</button>


The LogoutLink component is a simple reference (html element <a>); for clicking it, there will be a confirming dialogue of user's logout displayed. After confirming, the user is logged out of the application and redirected to the initial (login) page.

import React from 'react';
import LogoutLink from "framework/components/auth/logoutLink";

// Example of LogoutLink component usage as one of menu items
export default class PageHeader extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return (
            <div className="container-fluid">
                <div className="row">
                    <div className="col-xs-4">
                        <a href="#section1">Section 1</a>
                    <div className="col-xs-4">
                        <a href="#section2">Section 2</a>
                    <div className="col-xs-4">
                        <a href="#section3">Section 3</a>
                    <div className="col-xs-4">

Components for Communication with D2000 ( framework/components/d2)


It is a basic component of the SmartWeb Framework. This descendant of the SimplePageContainer component packs the D2Api interface and automatically follows and ends connection to D2000. It also secures support for keyboard shortcuts to switch debugging mode (CTRL+ALT+D) a to rebundle application (CTRL+ALT+R). It is promoted as an attribute with the name d2 into other components. 

Attribute nameTypeMandatoryDefault valueDescription

It contains information about the connection to D2000 as an application name and logged in user name. The attribute is set automatically. 


This component serves for displaying the D2000 scheme using the technology of a thin client (TCL). The scheme will be entered to the page as the HTML element <iframe>. Component attributes are:

Attribute nameTypeMandatoryDefault valueDescription
Reference to the DataContainer component. It is submitted from the parent container. 
It is the name of the D2000 object of the scheme type that should be displayed. 


This component shows the current value of the D2000 object. The value is displayed in the HTML element <span>. The following table describes the attributes of the component:

Attribute nameTypeMandatoryDefault valueDescription
Link to the DataContainer component. It is submitted from the parent container. 
It is the name of the D2000 object and its value should be displayed. 

List of value attributes that should be sent together with the object value. Possbile attributes are described on the page Serialization of Data between Client and API Interface.

Manually defined object description - it is preferred to the description defined in D2000.

Manually defined technical object units - they are preferred to those defined in D2000.

Format for numerical object values in the form fit for the Numeral.js library. If it is defined, it will be preferred to the format value sent from D2000.

Format for values of the absolute time type in the form fit for the Moment.js library. If it is defined, it will be preferred to format value sent from D2000.

The description that is used when it was not defined manually nor in D2000.

Format value used when the object does not have a valid value. 

Technical units used when they were not defined manually nor in D2000.

Name of the CSS class that will be applied to the HTML element <span> displaying object value. 

CSS style that will be applied to the HTML element <span> displaying object value. 

Components of Datepicker (framework/components/datetime)


It is the component of a datepicker based on the Bootstrap Datepicker component which has the following attributes:

Attribute nameTypeMandatoryDefault valueDescription

Unique name for the HTML element <input>.

Name of the CSS class that will be applied to the HTML element <input> displaying the chosen date. 



Default value. It can be entered as a text or as a date object. 
falseIt forbids or allows modification. 
trueIt allows or forbids modification by a keyboard. 

Example of a usage

// themed version of alert component
import DatePicker from 'framework/components/datetime/themedBootstrapDatePicker'
// component version without CSS styles - unthemed, it is necessary to manually import CSS
// import DatePicker from 'framework/components/datetime/bootstrapDatePicker'

// usage example in JSX
<div className="row">
  <div className="col-md-2">
      <DatePicker defaultValue={new Date()}/>


The BootstrapDateRangePicker component is an extension of the datepicker. It displays two dates by which the interval is defined. Apart from attributes of the packed component Bootstrap Datepicker, there are the following attributes: 

Attribute nameTypeMandatoryDefault valueDescription

Unique name for the HTML element <input>.

Name of the CSS class that will be applied to the HTML element <input> displaying the chosen date. 



The default value of the interval beginning. It can be entered as a text or as a date object. 



The default value of the interval end. It can be entered as a text or as a date object. 
"do"Text displayed between dates.
falseIt forbids or allows modification.
trueIt allows or forbids modification by a keyboard. 

Components of Lists (framework/components/list)


The LazyList component implements a list that supports gradual reading of content when scrolling downward. In its basic form, it displays content using elements <div>. For final usage, an overload of renderItem and render methods, which have are responsible for depicting the list content, is expected. The component recognizes the following attributes:

Attribute nameTypeMandatoryDefault valueDescription

function (size, callback) {



The function that is called when there is a request for reading more data. The size parameter defines the maximal number of elements that should be read and the callback parameter is a function using which read data will be added to the end of the list. 
10The default number of elements which is read in one batch. It is submitted as a parameter into the loadHandler function. 

Basic Components Widening React (framework/components/react)


This component serves as a wrapper for components that are not native React components. By creating a descendant of this component and by overloading methods configureComponentrender and wrappedInstance, it is possible to simply add to them the support of displaying using the React framework. 


A component that replaces the HTML element with the id = "root" for the chosen React component. This component has only internal usage. 


A basic container of a web page. It secures support for keyboard shortcuts to switch debugging mode (CTRL+ALT+D) and to rebundle applications (CTRL+ALT+R). It is used for React pages that do not need a connection to D2000. For creating web pages which require a connection to D2000, the descendant of the DataContainer component serves. 

Table Component (framework/components/table)

DataTable and ThemedDataTable

The Table component encompasses the DataTables library. The interface of this library has these additional attributes:  

Attribute nameTypeMandatoryDefault valueDescription

The name of the CSS class which will be applied to the main HTML element displaying the table.

CSS style which will be applied to the main HTML element displaying table. 

Width of the table. 

Height of the table. 
falseColumn names or flags will be displayed in the footer of the table. 

import React from 'react'
import {DataContainer} from '../custom/components'
import Table from 'framework/components/table/themedDataTable'
// component version without CSS styles - unthemed, it is necessary to manually import CSS
// import Table from 'framework/components/table/dataTable'

// Example of using ThemedDataTable component that reads data by calling RPC
DataContainer.renderComponent(class IndexPage extends React.Component {

    async loadData(data, callback, settings) {
        const d2Api = this.props.d2;
        const response = await d2Api.rpc("E.SmartWebApiTutorial", "GetPersonData", 1000, {
            type: 'record',
            structType: 'SD.Arr_Person',
            returnAs: 'result',
            value: []

            data: response.result,
            recordsTotal: response.result.length

    render() {
        return (
                <Table className="table table-striped table-bordered dt-responsive nowrap dataTable" width="100%"
                       ajax = {(data, callback, settings) => {
                           this.loadData(data, callback, settings);
                       columns = {[
                           {title: "Name", data: "name.value"},
                           {title: "Age", data: "age.value"}
                       ref = {(component) => {
                           this.table = component;