Configuration of external tools

Process D2000 HI allows to define so-called external tools. These tools allow to start various external applications directly from the process desktop. Defined external tools are assigned to the buttons with number captions from 1 up to 8 in the User toolbar. Single applications assigned to the buttons are started clicking the corresponding button in user toolbar or using a keyboard shortcuts (SHIFT+F2 up to SHIFT+F9).

Definition of external tools is performed in the following dialog box.

Dialog box for cofiguration of External tools

Configuration of an external tool

  1. Select the External tools item from the Configuration menu. It opens the External tools configuration dialog box.
  2. Click on button New item New. A new line is added into the table ("New item" text in the first column).
  3. Type a description of the external tool. The description overwrites "New item" text. Possibility to use the Dictionary (to open press CTRL+L).
  4. Define "exe" file path of the external application - the Path input box.
  5. Enter the work directory of the external application into the Start in input box and application start parameters into the Parameters input box.
  6. Check the Also in menu box to insert the external tool into the Tools menu in Main menu.
  7. Click the Save button.