Advancing a standard time to summer time and backward

System D2000 server starts checking of configuration to avoid the conflicts in the realization of tasks during the time offset. This action can be done:

If a scheduled task without time for realisation appears, the system alarm will be set. This alarm will warn about the equivocation of tasks scheduled for this time.

The system does not interfere in the method and scheduling of tasks - in spite of the warning, the System will try to execute these tasks!!!


The time offset is always done on Sunday. The choosing of calendar tempts into flat-rate using of day type "Sunday" for tasks also in these days. Flat-rate settings of day type "Sunday" is not recommended.

We recommend you to define your own day type for days in which the time is advanced (e.g. Summer2Standard and Standard2Summer) and task scheduling for these days set individually with respect to the equivocation of time.

Here is a list of days when the time will be advanced according to current Slovak law:

YearStandard time/Summer timeSummer time/Standard time
20002000-03-26 03:002000-10-29 02:00
20012001-03-25 03:002001-10-28 02:00
20022002-03-31 03:002002-10-27 02:00
20032003-03-30 03:002003-10-26 02:00
20042004-03-28 03:002004-10-31 02:00
20052005-03-27 03:002005-10-30 02:00
20062006-03-26 03:002006-10-29 02:00
20072007-03-25 03:002007-10-28 02:00
20082008-03-30 03:002008-10-26 02:00
20092009-03-29 03:002009-10-25 02:00
20102010-03-28 03:002010-10-31 02:00
20112011-03-27 03:002011-10-30 02:00
20122012-03-25 03:002012-10-28 02:00
20132013-03-31 03:002013-10-27 02:00
20142014-03-30 03:002014-10-26 02:00
20152015-03-29 03:002015-10-25 02:00
20162016-03-27 03:002016-10-30 02:00
20172017-03-26 03:002017-10-29 02:00
20182018-03-25 03:002018-10-28 02:00
20192019-03-31 03:002019-10-27 02:00
20202020-03-29 03:002020-10-25 02:00
20212021-03-28 03:002021-10-31 02:00
20222022-03-27 03:002022-10-30 02:00
20232023-03-26 03:002023-10-29 02:00
20242024-03-31 03:002024-10-27 02:00
20252025-03-30 03:002025-10-26 02:00
20262026-03-29 03:002026-10-25 02:00
20272027-03-28 03:002027-10-31 02:00
20282028-03-26 03:002028-10-29 02:00
20292029-03-25 03:002029-10-28 02:00
20302030-03-31 03:002030-10-27 02:00
20312031-03-30 03:002031-10-26 02:00
20322032-03-28 03:002032-10-31 02:00
20332033-03-27 03:002033-10-30 02:00
20342034-03-26 03:002034-10-29 02:00
20352035-03-25 03:002035-10-28 02:00
20362036-03-30 03:002036-10-26 02:00
20372037-03-29 03:002037-10-25 02:00
20382038-03-28 03:002038-10-31 02:00
20392039-03-27 03:002039-10-30 02:00
20402040-03-25 03:002040-10-28 02:00
20412041-03-31 03:002041-10-27 02:00
20422042-03-30 03:002042-10-26 02:00
20432043-03-29 03:002043-10-25 02:00
20442044-03-27 03:002044-10-30 02:00
20452045-03-26 03:002045-10-29 02:00
20462046-03-25 03:002046-10-28 02:00
20472047-03-31 03:002047-10-27 02:00
20482048-03-29 03:002048-10-25 02:00
20492049-03-28 03:002049-10-31 02:00
20502050-03-27 03:002050-10-30 02:00

Time channels
Time channels - configuration dialog box