Configuration of text fonts

You can add, modify and delete the text styles in the D2000 system. To carry out these activities, select the item Text fonts from the menu Configuration Gr. It opens the following selection window.

List of text fonts

  1. In the object list select the object you want to modify/delete, and assign it to logical groups. This step is not required when you want to create a new object.
  2. Click one of the buttons described below.
Button New object
Creates a new object.
Button Edit object
Allows to edit selected objects.
Button Delete object
Deletes selected object.
Renames the object.
Button Close dialog window
Closes the selection window.

Creating new text font

In the selection window click the button Button New object - Create new object. It opens the following dialog box, where you can enter the name of the text font.

Creating a new fonts

The name of the text font can be automatically extended with the prefix and suffix defined in your application of the D2000 System. 

After entering the name, click the button Create. It opens the dialog box to modify the font style parameters.

Modifying text style parameters

To modify the text style parameters, proceed as follows:

  1. In the list of text fonts select the font you want to modify.
  2. Then click the button Button Edit object - Edit object.

To edit text fonts there is used the dialog box of the operating system.

Configuration of text font

After closing the dialog box, the parameters, except the parameter Color, are to be used in the modified/created text font.

Deleting text font

To delete a text font proceed as follows:

  1. In the list of text fonts select the font you want to delete.
  2. Click the button Delete object - Delete object.

If the selected text style is not used in any picture, the system will remove it. If the font is used, the system will display the warning message.

Text fonts