Remia KME communication protocol

Supported device types and versions
Communication line configuration
Communication station configuration
I/O tag configuration
Changes and modifications
Document revisions

Supported device types and versions

The protocol supports reading data from the Remia KME concentrator. Internal number of REMIA protocol is 206.

The protocol supports reading of instant values as well as 1 and 15 minute archives of measurements from electrometers, which KME obtains:

The protocol also supports reading of instant values of binary data and values of 16-bit counters.
The protocol also supports reading of generic instant values  (I/O tags with GA address) and reading of records from event log archives (I/O tags with RECNR address).

Communication line configuration

Communication station configuration

Station protocol parameters

Configuration dialog box of station - the tab "Protocol parameters".

Table 1

Key wordFull nameMeaningUnitDefault value


Wait TimeoutTimeout to receive a response or one of its fragments.s.ms1.5 s


Fragmented answer is expectedThe response may consist of several UDP packets (fragments).-False


Actual Data Object ID

The address of the object (16-bit number) that contains information about the instant values (analogs). A value of 0 disables reading of the instant values as well as their 1 and 15-minute archives.



15min Archive Data Object ID

The address of the object (a 16-bit number) that contains information about 15-minute values. A value of 0 disables reading of 15-minute values.



1min Archive Data Object IDThe address of the object (a 16-bit number) that contains information about 1-minute values. A value of 0 disables reading of 1-minute values.-9


Binary data Object ID

The address of the object (a 16-bit number) that contains information about binary values. A value of 0 disables reading of binary values.



Generic Actual Data Object ID

The address of the object (16-bit number) that contains information about the generic instant values (addresses of I/O tags of GA type). A value of 0 disables reading of generic instant values.



Generic Event Object ID

The address of the object (16-bit number) that contains event information from the event log of RemiaKME. A value of 0 disables work with the event log.
A specific event is read from the archive by writing to the I/O tag with RECNR address.



Number of EMs

The number of electrometers (1-255) whose instant data from impulse measurement (instant counter value, instant power, average power since the start of the current time interval, validity of the meter's data) are in response to reading the Actual Data Object ID, and whose historical data 1 and The 15-minute minutes (end-of-period counter value,, average power per period) are in response to reading 1min Archive Data Object ID and 15min Archive Data Object ID.



Number of EIs

The number of meters (1-255) whose instant data from IEC communication (instant counter value, numbers of last 3 accumulations, counter values for the last 3 accumulations) are in response to reading the Actual Data Object ID, and historical data (last accumulation number, counter value for the last accumulation) are in response to reading 1min Archive Data Object ID and 15min Archive Data Object ID objects.



Number of values in EI

The number of measurements (1-255) in the EI section (data from IEC communication) in response to reading the Actual Data Object ID1min Archive Data Object ID15min Archive Data Object ID objects.



Number of word counters

The number of 16-bit counters (0-255) whose values are in response to reading the Actual Data Object ID object.



Debug Packet Binary Contents

Activates advanced debugging with listing of binary data being sent and received.



Debug Values

Activates advanced debugging with listing of I/O tag values.


I/O tag configuration

I/O tag types: Ai, Ci, Qi, Di, TiA, Co.

The address of I/O tag can have different forms.

For electrometers in the EI structure - i.e. electrometers obtained by IEC communication - it has the form EI.EiNr.EiInd.EiParam where:

Examples of addresses:


For electrometers in the EM structure - i.e. electrometers obtained by measurement of impulses - it has the form EM.EmNr.EmParam  where:

Examples of addresses:


For binary data - read from the object with address Binary data Object ID - it has the form DI.WrNr.BitNr.DiParam  where:

Examples of addresses:


For instant values of 16-bit counters - read from the object with address Actual Data Object ID - it has the form EW.EwNr  where:

Examples of addresses:


For generic instant values - read from the object with address Generic Actual Data Object ID - it has the form GA.Offset.Type[.BitNr] where:

Examples of addresses:


An object with a Generic Event Object ID address is used to access events from the event log. For reading, a Co type I/O tag with a RECNR address is required. Writing an integer value into it will read the event with the corresponding record number from the event log. The format of the read data is application dependent (depending on the configuration of the Remia KME concentrator). The number of the most recent (or next) record in the event log can usually be obtained by reading a block with generic instant values.  Writing of value into I/O tag with a RECNR address is finished after the read data have been inserted into defined input I/O tags.



Changes and modifications


Document revisions

Communication protocols