%HI_SetBmpFile function

The function changes bitmap in a graphic object Bitmap.
   INT in refId,
   TEXT in fileName,
   BOOL in bOriginalSize,
   BOOL in byCenter
  [, BOOL in bProportional]

refId Reference to graphic object (reference variable).
fileName Full name of file that contains an image saved as one of the file formats ICO, BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PNG and GIF. If the file is not entered, the picture will not be changed.
bOriginalSize @TRUE - by its size
@FALSE - by size in HI
byCenter @TRUE - by the center size in HI
@FALSE - by position (upper left corner)
bProportional @TRUE - it draws a picture and keeps its aspect ratio in the area of active bitmap
@FALSE - it draws a picture and adjust it to the defined area of active bitmap. @FALSE is used if the parameter is not defined.

Function replaces bitmap in a graphic object by the image file.
%HI_SetBmpFile(_bmp, "c:\obrazky\obrazok.bmp" ,@TRUE, @FALSE, @TRUE)