!!! WARNING: Process D2000 SysEdit is not supported from Version 7.2 and later !!!

Process D2000 SysEdit allows reconnecting objects which are connected to a picture.

Selecting the item Picture reconnecting from the menu Tools opens the following dialog box.

Reconnecting a picture


Name of the picture, whose objects you want to reconnect. Clicking the button next to the input field opens a list of pictures. After selecting a picture, a list of objects connected to the picture is shown in the right part of the dialog box (the column OldName).

Find what

A text string, you want to replace.

Replace with

A text string, that replaces the string entered in the item Find what. After entering a text string, define one of the searching methods - Backward (searching from the beginning of the list) or Descending (searching from the end of the list). To execute performed changes press the button Set.

In structure

Selection of a structure, in which you want to replace rows.

Replace row

Definition of a structure row, that will be replaced by a row defined by the parameter With.


Perform all changes in the picture.


Cancel reconnecting the picture.