Time channels

Time Channel is an object, the value of which is changed in dependence on the day type and time. Values of time channels and times are defined by the system configurator. Time table is defined for each type of days. Time channels allow predefine automatic execution of objects' values changes in dependence on time and day type, independently from the dispatching centre.

Day types

Each time channel can use its own calendar. A calendar contains a specification of particular types of days, when the time channel activity is different (e.g. workday, holiday, Christmas etc.). The system automatically generates three basic types of days which may not be deleted. Unless you change a day type in a calendar, the calendar includes just these types of days:

If the offered types of days do not meet user's needs, it is possible to define other types of days (e.g. holiday, Christmas etc.). Each type of day has its own value assigned by the system after its creation. Besides a calendar definition, the newly defined day types may be used like any other objects with value (i.e. expressions of evaluated tags) in the system. In the system, up to 255 objects of Day type type may be defined.


Calendar is an object with defined types of days for each day of a year. Calendars are used to define time channels, but they may be used like other objects with a value (i.e. expressions of evaluated tags). The value of a Calendar object is the value of the current type of day.

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