Supported device types and versions
Communication line configuration
Communication line parameters
Station configuration
Station parameters
I/O tag configuration
Changes and modifications
Document revisions
The protocol support data reading/writing from digital high-voltage circuit-breakers produced by ABB.
Communication line - configuration dialog - Protocol parameters tab.
The parameters influence some optional protocol parameters. The following protocol line parameters can be used:
Table 1
Parameter | Meaning | Unit / Size | Default value |
Parameter starts a software generation and even parity checking. A transmission device parameters can be set on 8N1 (i.e. 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit) instead of 7E1 (7 bits, even parity, 1 stop bit) which is commonly used in the SPA-Bus protocol. | YES/NO | NO | |
Switching time for redundant serial servers (e.g. Moxa N-Port devices) in case of a communication error. This parameter is only relevant for SerialOverUDP Device Redundant line. | sec | 5 sec | |
Optimization data reading for polling. If there are I/O tags with Data Number successive addresses, the polling is executed together until the value of this parameter is reached (i.e. if the value is 3, three I/O tags will be polled together). Value 1 switches an optimization off, each I/O tag is polled separately. | 1 .. 32 | 1 | |
The period of sending a Time synchronization (T) packet by broadcast to address 900. When the parameter is 0 seconds., the time synchronization is disabled. | 0 .. 60 sec | 10 sec | |
Expected duration of transfer of a time synchronization (T) packet by all the transmitting devices until the whole packet is received in the protection device itself. This time is added to a current time when the packet is being sent so that the time in the packet is a current time at the moment when the T packet is completely received by the device. | msec | 20 msec | |
Period of sending a Time and Date synchronization (D) packet by a broadcast to address 900. When the parameter is 0 seconds, the sending of synchronization is disabled. | 0 .. 3600 sec | 60 sec | |
Expected duration of transfer of a Time and Date synchronization (D) packet by all the transmitting devices until the whole packet is received in the protection device itself. This time is added to a current time when the packet is being sent so that the time in the packet is a current time at the moment when the D packet is completely received by the device. | msec | 35 msec |
Communication station - Protocol parameters tab.
The parameters influence some optional protocol parameters. The following protocol line parameters can be used:
Table 2
Parameter | Meaning | Unit | Default value |
A number of the request repetitions in case of a communication failure. | 1 .. 20 | 2 | |
The delay between a request retry in case of a communication failure. | msec | 20 msec | |
First waiting for a response after sending the request. | msec | 50 msec | |
The delay between individual readings of the response until it is completed. | msec | 20 msec | |
The maximum number of response readings until it is completed. | - | 20 | |
Communication with the station is delayed by defined time in case of a communication error. If a line contains more stations (protective devices) and one of them fails, it can slow down the communication to other functioning stations. Next recovery of the communication with a failed station will be delayed by a defined value (time). If the line contains only a single station, the parameter value should be 0 seconds. | sec | 10 sec | |
This parameter activates a periodic event reading by the function "Last events L". Time synchronization of the protective device must be also enabled. See the communication line parameters "Time T Broadcast Periode" and "Date and Time D Broadcast Periode". | YES/NO | YES | |
An integer value of "ERROR" state for conversion to a quadrat input Qi. | 0, 1, 2, 3 | 3 | |
An integer value of "OFF" state for conversion to a quadrat input Qi. | 0, 1, 2, 3 | 1 | |
An integer value of "ON" state for conversion to a quadrat input Qi. | 0, 1, 2, 3 | 2 | |
An integer value of "TRANS" state for conversion to a quadrat input Qi. | 0, 1, 2, 3 | 0 | |
Conversion mask to convert date values. | yyyy-mm-dd | ||
Conversion mask to convert time values. | hh.mi;ss.mss | ||
This parameter activates a detailed debug info about I/O tag values obtained by polling. | YES/NO | NO |
Possible value types: Ai, Ao, Ci, Co, Di, Dout, Qi, TxtI, TxtO, TiA, ToA, TiR, ToR.
I/O tag address items:
"Slave Identification F" and "Slave Status C" categories don't require specifying of any other address parameter. The value is unique within the device.
"Slave identification F" returns 10 characters which identify a device. We recommend to configure it as I/O tag of TxtI type.
"Slave status C" returns a number 0, 1, 2 or 3. See also Note 1.
Note 1
When E50 (slave reset) or E51 (slave event buffer overflow) events occur, the value is written to the "Slave status C" category object with address 0, regardless of whether the I/O tag of C category exists or not.