Setup_ips – The D2000 System Installation Guide

The D2000 System Installer is a tool to install, change and remove the D2000 System.

Depending on the required action (installation, change, removing), it works in several steps:

  1. It installs/uninstalls an instance of the D2000 System.
  2. If it is necessary (when installing and changing the instance), it starts a configuration utility to set the installed components of the D2000 System.

Installer directory structure:

Directory structure

DirectoryDirectory contents
*ExtInstallersContains files with external installers (Sybase, Sentinel, Java, Eclipse).
msiContains d2msi.msi file. It contains all necessary files that will be installed on the target computer.
transContains the transformation and license files.

* This directory may not always be in the installer. The absence of this directory does not influence the functionality of installer, however, the external programs (Sybase, Sentinel, Java, Eclipse) that are in this directory will not be installed when configuring the D2000 System.

Versions of installer

The installer exists in two versions: 32 and 64-bit. Each version contains a file pack for 32-bit or 64-bit version of the D2000 System. The instance can be only 32-bit or 64-bit.

The installer can install the D2000 System of a certain version. The version is displayed in the header of the installer. When installing, the new instance of the system will be created. It involves the files for the particular version. The versions of each instance can be the same, so it is possible to have two or more instances of the D2000 system with the same version installed on your computer.

In addition to the D2000 System installation, the installer can change or uninstall particular instances. You may use the installer of any version to uninstall or change the instance. For example, if the instance has been installed by the Installer 9.0.20, it may be uninstalled, for example, by the Installer 9.1.31.
When uninstalling, all the installed files will be uninstalled except for the files that have been changed or created by the D2000 System. If necessary, these files must be removed manually.

D2000 System instances

The installer enables to install more instances of the D2000 System on one computer. Each instance must be uniquely identified by its name. The instance name is shown in Control Panel -> Programs and features. The maximum of 16 instances of the D2000 System can be installed on one computer. Each instance should be installed into a separate directory to ensure that the individual instances are mutually independent. If this rule is broken, it could lead to the inconsistency of the files when changing or uninstalling one of the instances.

From version 9.1.31 you may choose for each instance one of the following types of installation:

Each type of installation includes other group of files that will be copied to the computer when installing.

Change of instance

You may change the instance in two ways depending on the installed instance and version of the installer for changing the instance:

  1. The same version of both the instance and installer – all installed files are checked. The files that are different to those in the installer will be "repaired" on the original version.
  2. A different version of either instance or installer – the instance is upgraded/downgraded. The installed files will be uninstalled and the new version will be installed from the installer. The instance number is automatically updated after upgrading/downgrading.

D2000 System installation