The dialog box for creating a new or existing application opens when pressing the button Create New Application (by left-clicking on the Application and selecting New application) or pressing the button
Modify Application (by left-clicking on the name of the application and selecting Edit). Then the appropriate platform is selected in the Select platform window.
Name of the new application.
Application description, it can be used in printouts.
It is not entered in case of application configuration in XML files.
Spôsob štartovania aplikácie:
The path to the D2Start application, including the parameters that are passed to the D2000 Server.
Note 1: After creating an application with configuration in XML files, the "SysCfg_XML" subdirectory is automatically created in the directory of the created application.
Note 2: You can only change the application name when configuring a new application. If this is a modification of an already existing application, this box will be disabled.
After creating a new application (pressing the OK button), the archive configuration window will open.
Embedded system represents the D2000 system, which does not have a connection to the database, but loads the configuration in the form of XML files at startup. This configuration can be obtained from a running application by starting the XML Export operation of the entire configuration from the D2000 CNF environment. The SysCfg_XML directory is created, which must then be copied to the application directory, which will be run as an Embedded system.
D2000 system configuration changes will not be persistent.
All operations that triggered SQL statements will generate errors when tried to be read, or do the database entry:
Other consequences:
Warning: Embedded system does not work for Thin client and JAVA applications.
Application Management |