It searches the user's access rights on the objects or which users have the access right on some object.
It displays:
If the user is an administrator, there is no reason to search his access rights to the objects because the administrator can always modify all the D2000 objects except the objects of User type. These objects can be modified only by the administrators with the right to modify the objects of User type. Otherwise, the user has only the right to read.
The user who is not the administrator has access only to those objects to which he has the access rights. In case of conflict in the access rights the higher rights have a priority.
A dialog window is accessible from popup menu in the selection window in D2000 CNF => Extended actions => User Access Rights.
Name of Group | The name of object groups. |
Access to objects | Describes the rights to object belonging to some group. |
Access to group | Describes the rights to group of objects. |
Total | Defines a total occurrence of the group in structure. |
The lower part of the dialog serves to determine the user's access rights to a specific object.
User name | The currently selected user. It can be changed by direct editing or by clicking the "..." button. |
Object name | Selection of the object whose access rights we want to find out - by direct editing or by clicking on the "..." button |
Find | Finding access rights. |
The following figure shows that the SystemD2000 user has read access to the I/O tag M.Machine_States, which is included in the Home_s object group, both directly and through the B.test station with its children.
The dialog window is accessible from the popup menu in the selection window - an item User rights to the object.
Name of User | Name of user. |
Access to object | Describes the user's rights to object. |
Total | Defines a total occurrence of user in structure. |
The lower part of the dialog serves to determine the user's access rights to a specific object.
Object name | The currently selected object whose access rights we want to find out - by direct editing or by clicking on the "..." button |
User name | Selection of the user. It can be changed by direct editing or by clicking the "..." button. |
Find | Finding access rights. |
The following figure shows that the SystemD2000 user has read access to the I/O tag M.Machine_States, which is included in the Home_s object group, both directly and through the B.test station with its children.