Module to display information from a comparison

Module can be opened only when the XML Repository is activated.

CVS Information window
1 Toolbar
2 Status bar
3 List of CVS information
4 List of messages
5 A panel to set the filter parameters.


Copies the selected rows of CVS information into clipboard.
XML Export settings or XML Repository settings.
Refreshes the list of CVS information automatically after each change of the filter. If the list contains a lot of items we recommend to switch off this option.
Refreshes the list of CVS information manually. If the input data have changed, the form of the button is like this . If the list does not contain a lot of items we recommend you to use automatic refresh.

It changes into red when:

  • The filter conditions have changed (row filter, column filter and filter for value properties).
Enables/disables all filter buttons, i.e. the list contains all items.
Displays the items "Without data changes" (blue color), "Increase of object CVS version" (green color) or "Changes with conflicts" (red color).
Displays the items "XML without object" (there are not any data about object), "Object without XML" (there are not data about XML) or "Pairs" (data about both XML and object).
Displays the items with coloured values (red-coloured or pink-coloured cells in the row) or without coloured values.

Each of three above mentioned group of filter buttons represents a whole.

Enables/disables the filter for columns in the list of CVS information.
Enables/disables the filter for properties of values (the single cells) which represents the additional conditions.
Enlarges the width of the list. It disables the filter for value properties if it was enabled.
Enlarges the height of the list.

The icons bottom left:

Copies the messages into clipboard.
Deletes messages from the list.

Note: The following rules are valid when you copy CSV information or messages by button :

Status bar

On the top of panel there is status bar which shows:

List of CVS information

This list shows an information as a result from filtering according to the filter options (4).

One row can contain information:

The groups of information are separated by one empty column. In the left part, there is the information concerning to XML file, in the right part, the information concerning the object from the configuration of D2000 System. The last cell contains the expected path to XML (expected owing to that the XML file need not exist).
Some cells are coloured differently. They represent error value (red-coloured) or they are the part of error relation among values (pink-coloured).

The rows as a whole can show:

Within the changes with conflicts, there is a special category that includes the rows indicating that data of particular XML files could not be read correctly. The particular row is emphasized by red color (darker) in the dialog window. At the same time, the text "(data reading error)" is written into the column for name of object, parsed from XML file.

Another possibility is to show the rows containing:

All groups represents disjunctive sets of the whole.

The reasons of colouring is described in the topic Evaluation of information.

Clicking by right mouse button on the list the following popup will display:

CVS Information window - popup
Select all Selects all the rows in the list.
Copy Copies the selected rows into clipboard.
Show differences Initiates the program to show the different data.
Describe errors Shows the brief description of attributes of selected row.
History watch Shows the object history.
Refresh Refreshes the selected rows. It is important after data of XML file on disc have changed.
Default width of columns Returns the column width on initial one, i.e.  before the values are saved into registers. This action is irreversible.
Default position of columns Returns the positions of the columns on initial one, i.e. before the positions are saved into registers. This action is irreversible.
Clear filter bar Clear filter.
Set Export subdir Enables to change the value of the Export subdirectory to the selected object. It opens the question dialog window to set the value.
XML Export Opens a dialog window to choose XML Export directory and exports the chosen objects to it according to selected export settings.
XML Export do Repository Exports the selected objects into XML Repository directory.

Note: After the export of selected objects in CVS dialog box these data will be updated.

List of messages

This part of dialog window shows the following types of messages:

Filter for properties of values (for advanced users)

Clicking on button activates the filter for value properties (the individual cells) which represents the additional conditions.

The attributes of filter for the value properties:

Control buttons and copying

The Module can contain these buttons.

ImportOpens an acknowledgement dialog box and activates the import.
CancelCloses the dialog box without any action.

The buttons, which will be displayed, depend on a type of dialog window in which the module is placed (XML Import, XML Repository).

D2000 XML
XML Repository
Evaluation of information