Bitmaps are raster pictures created in a bitmap editor. The only condition to use bitmaps in the process D2000 GrEditor is that the bitmap file must be in the BMP, JPEG, TIFF, GIF or PNG format.

Bitmaps of PNG, GIF and TIFF are native transparent format. In the D2000 system, bitmaps of BMP type are extended with the feature of transparent color. The black color that is defined as the first color of the color palette of corresponding bitmap is viewed as the transparent color.

Color bitmap
Monochromatic bitmap
color bitmapMonochromatic bitmap

Bitmap localization

In the D2000 system, bitmaps are stored in the configuration database.

Note: The bitmaps of JPEG format do not contain the transparent color as the BMP format.

Creating bitmaps
Configuration of bitmaps