Graphic representation of the time channel data flow

A graphic representation of time channel data flow shows a data flow of the time channel and corresponding controls. The representation area consists of the time and value axis, background colour corresponding to the displayed type of day and graphic flow of time channel data applied to the displayed time interval.

The colour of the mouse cursor hovering over an important point of the graph turns yellow and the point definition (time, value and day type) is displayed. A mouse-click performs selecting this definition in the table of displayed time channel data and the corresponding points are selected in the graph. Displaying of particular parts depends on the user's needs.

Time channel presentation

The window consists of the following parts:

Control buttons allow the following options:

Allows selecting the time interval to show time channel data.
Shrinks / extends the displayed time interval - 1 day to both sides of the time interval.
Shows definition points in the representation.
Doubles the drawing flow.
Shows/hides the grid.
Moves the displayed time interval 1 day backward/forward.

Dialog box also contains the following buttons:

Allows editing time channel data. The button will be displayed only if the user has the access rights to edit the time channel data.
Closes the dialog box.

Time channels