D2000 KomAPI - interface description

Protocol dynamic link library (.DLL) exports a set of functions, which are called by the D2000 KOM process. The list of all the exported functions is shown in the following table with a brief description.
On the Linux platform, the dynamic library extension is different (.so), and the function names are without underscore and size specifications (e. g. Init instead of _Init@4).

Function nameRequirementMeaning
_Init@4RequiredThe function is called after DLL dynamic import.
_ReadAllPoints@4Optional (recommended)Reading of values of all station I/O tags.
_ReadStoredData@28OptionalReading of historical values of station I/O tags.
_ReadPointValue@8OptionalReading of I/O tag value.
_WritePointValue@16OptionalWriting of a new I/O tag value.
_InitStation@4OptionalDefinition of new station parameters.
_DeleteStation@4OptionalStation deleted.
_TimeSynchroStation@4OptionalStation real-time synchronisation.
_InitPoint@12OptionalDefinition of new I/O tag parameters.
_DeletePoint@4OptionalI/O tag deleted.
_ConfigDone@4OptionalCalling the definitions of the station and its I/O tags are done.
_PointsApplyBack@8OptionalResponse to calling the call-back procedure PointsApply.
_StationsApplyBack@8OptionalResponse to calling the call back procedure PointsApply.
_ExitProc@0OptionalCalled when stopping D2000 KOM.
_ExitProcWithLnPar@4OptionalCalled when stopping D2000 KOM.
_RdStatusChanged@4OptionalCalled when switching the redundancy or changing the instance of D2000 KOM between active and passive.
Note: the startup parameter /RXN affects the behavior of OEM protocols in redundancy.

All the used KomAPI functions and procedures (including call-back functions and internal tasks) require the Stdcall call convention on the Windows platform.

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