Structures in the structure window
This operating mode is available only for users with the HI Administrator or HI Configurator access rights.
To open a structure
- Click Main toolbar (or press CTRL+U for structured variables and CTRL+W for database tables). button - Structured variables or button - Database tables from the
- It opens the selection window containing a list of all defined structures (structured variables or database tables).
- Select required structured variable / database table from the list and click button.
- It opens the dialog box to browse and edit structures on the D2000 HI desktop.
To find a particular structured variable / database table in the list is possible by mask or by filter (clicking on button ). By using filter the mask is blocked but the text is not deleted. Push the ENTER key or button to start searching.
The text from filter is deleted after clicking on button . The button is active only if filter contains some text.
Buttons placed on the bottom right corner determine the behaviour of the selection window after selecting an object:
Unclose the selection window. | |
Close the selection window. |
Single structure (object of the Structured variable or Database table type) can be opened for more times in D2000 system but only the first opened object allows editing and the others allow only browsing. This restriction is valid for a structure opened from one console (process D2000 HI) eventually more consoles. A structure can be opened only for browsing also in dependence on user’s access right to the structure.
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