%HI_GetFormatRE, %HI_SetFormatRE functions

The function %HI_SetFormatRE sets a font format to a selected text in the graphic object Text entry field, type RichEdit (control function).

The function %HI_GetFormatRE retrieves a font format of a text in the graphic object Text entry field, type RichEdit.
   INT in refId,
   TEXT in xmlFormat
 TEXT %HI_GetFormatRE(
   INT in refId

refId Reference to the Text entry field, type RichEdit (reference variable).
xmlFormat A font format of the selected text in the Text entry field, type RichEdit.

The font format is always written as XML file.

For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <face>Times New Roman</face>

XML format represents step by step a font type, font color, font size and charset. These parameters are followed by the flags - bold, italic, underline, strikeout or protected (not important so far).

Only entered parameters are formatted. If some parameter is absent, it will not be changed. If a parameter is entered for formatting, it have to contain a valid value and can be entered just once. Otherwise, XML format is invalid.

 INT _nodeDoc
 INT _nodeRoot
 INT _nodeElement
 INT _nodeText
 TEXT _xmlFilter
 BOOL _ok
 _nodeDoc := %XML_CreateDocument()
 _nodeRoot := %XML_AddElement(_nodeDoc, "ROOT")
  _nodeElement := %XML_AddElement(_nodeRoot, "face")
 _nodeText := %XML_AddTextNode(_nodeElement, "Times New Roman")
  _nodeElement := %XML_AddElement(_nodeRoot, "color")
  _nodeText := %XML_AddTextNode(_nodeElement, "255")
  _nodeElement := %XML_AddElement(_nodeRoot, "size")
  _nodeText := %XML_AddTextNode(_nodeElement, "48")
  _nodeElement := %XML_AddElement(_nodeRoot, "charset")
  _nodeText := %XML_AddTextNode(_nodeElement, "0")
  _nodeElement := %XML_AddElement(_nodeRoot, "bold")
  _nodeText := %XML_AddTextNode(_nodeElement, "FALSE")
  _nodeElement := %XML_AddElement(_nodeRoot, "italic")
 _nodeText := %XML_AddTextNode(_nodeElement, "FALSE")
  _nodeElement := %XML_AddElement(_nodeRoot, "underline")
  _nodeText := %XML_AddTextNode(_nodeElement, "TRUE")
  _nodeElement := %XML_AddElement(_nodeRoot, "strikeout")
  _nodeText := %XML_AddTextNode(_nodeElement, "FALSE")
  _nodeElement := %XML_AddElement(_nodeRoot, "protected")
  _nodeText := %XML_AddTextNode(_nodeElement, "FALSE")
  _xmlFilter := %XML_ToString(_nodeDoc)
 %HI_SetFormatRE(_richEditBox, _xmlFilter)
 _ok := %XML_FreeDocument(_nodeDoc)

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