of Int type - return code: the action success (optional parameter).
Identifier of
Bool type - enable/disable the
calculation of related statistical historical values (optional parameter).
The action modifies (or store a new) a value into the for the archive
archIdent. The value is given by the identifier valueIdent.
Time of its storing into the database is the time when the value valueIdent
occurred. I the identifier retIdent_Int is not stated, the action doesn't wait for the storing
confirmation. If the identifier is stated, gains one of the following values:
If the identifier
retIdent_Int is not stated, there is no feedback to detect the action
success. Action execution time is short, because it is only a request that
is sent to system.
If the identifier is stated, the script waits for the
physical storing of a value into the archive database.
If I use the action to store a value into the archive without waiting and
then I want to read this value, the read value almost certainly is not this
one, I was stored in the action.
Calculation of related statistical
historical values can be disabled by setting the parameter bRecalcStat_Bool
to the value of @FALSE.
Storing a value into the archive:
REAL _archVal
TIME _archTime
INT _retCode
; archiving time
_archTime := %StrToTime("12:0:0 1-12-2000")
; prepare a value together with time
_archVal := 1 TIME _archTime
; storing into the archive
UPDATEARCHVAL _archVal, H.Int, _retCode
; action success test
; error at storing
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