Configuration of system texts
Configuration of system texts is performed by means of the D2000 CNF process.

The system texts are divided into the following categories:
The objects, values of which do not contain system texts:
- I/O tags of AI, AO, CI, CO, TiA, ToA, TiR, ToR, TmRo, TxtI a TxtO types
- Evaluated tags
- User variables of Integer, Real, TmA, TmR, Txt types
* Displaying of values of Integer, Real, Absolute time and Time interval types might be controlled by transformation palette.
Boolean values
Label in the system | Predefined label | Cause |
B_False | False | False value |
B_True | True | True value |
B_Oscillate | Oscillate | Oscillating value (TRUE <-> FALSE). |
Di, Do measured values
Label in the system | Predefined label | Cause |
D_False | OFF | False value |
D_True | ON | True value |
D_Oscillate | OSCILLATE | Oscillating value (TRUE <-> FALSE). The system sets the value as the oscillating one according to defined parameters of filtering - Oscillation limits. |
Process object values
Label in the system | Predefined label | Cause> |
P_Run | Run | The process is running. |
P_Crash | Crash | The process is terminated by an error (incorrect termination). If it is possible, the D2000 Server will try to start the process again. |
P_Stop | Stop | The process is correctly terminated. |
P_WDErr | WDErr | Error when communicating with the D2000 Server - Watch Dog Error (interrupted flow of Watch Dog messages between the client process and the D2000 Server). |
System alarm values
Label in the system | Predefined label | Cause |
A_Norm | Normal | The condition to raise the alarm is not met. |
A_Alarm | Alarm | The condition to raise the alarm is met. |
A_Kvit | Kvit | The alarm is acknowledged by the operator. |
A_Block | Block | The alarm is blocked by the operator, or at the alarm configuration is enabled Blocked alarm option. |
A_UnBlock | UnBlock | The D2000 Alarm process is not running and the operator unblocks the given alarm in the Blocked state. |
A_NoKvit | NoKvit | The condition to finish the acknowledge-required alarm is met before its acknowledgement. |
Station values
Label in the system | Predefined label | Cause |
St_On | ON | The station communicates |
St_Off | OFF | The station does not communicate. The communication is disabled by the operator (via the control window in the D2000 HI process) or at the station configuration in the D2000 CNF process. |
St_CommErr | COMERR | The occurrence of a "soft" error of the communication. Such error occurs after unsuccessful data transmission. |
St_HardErr | HARDERR | The occurrence of "hard" errors in the communication. Such error occurs if the communication with the station is in StCOMERR state within the period given by the Time filter parameter. If the station value is StHARDERR, then all the I/O tags of the station will pass to an undefined state. |
St_Simul | SIMUL | Communication with the station is simulated. |
St_Wait | WAIT | The station is in AUTO mode. Communication is stopped. The control object value is TRUE. Requests for output are postponed and they will be executed when the control object value will be FALSE. |
Qi measured values
Label in the system | Predefined label | Cause |
SwTrans | TRANS | Change of quadrature value from TRUE into FALSE or vice-versa. |
SwOff | OFF | False value |
SwOn | ON | True value |
SwErr | ERROR | Invalid (illegal) value. |
SwOsc | OSCILLATE | Oscillating value (TRUE <-> FALSE). The system sets a value as the oscillating one according to defined parameters of filtering - Oscillation limits. |
Process alarms
Label in the system | Predefined label | Cause |
NoAlarm | NoAlarm | No process alarm is active |
ToTrue | ToOn | Process alarm occurred - change into ON (TRUE) level. |
ToFalse | ToOff | Process alarm occurred - change into OFF (FALSE) level. |
True | On | Process alarm occurred - ON (TRUE) level. |
False | Off | Process alarm occurred - OFF (FALSE) level. |
Invalid | Err | Invalid (illegal) value. |
Oscillate | Oscillate | Oscillating value. |
HL | HL | Process alarm occurred - limit state of HL value. |
VHL | VHL | Process alarm occurred - limit state of VHL value. |
LL | LL | Process alarm occurred - limit state of LL value. |
VLL | VLL | Process alarm occurred limit state of VLL value. |
ToHL | ToHL | Process alarm occurred- value change into HL limit state. |
ToVHL | ToVHL | Process alarm occurred- value change into VHL limit state. |
ToLL | ToLL | Process alarm occurred - value change into LL limit state. |
ToVLL | ToVLL | Process alarm occurred - value change into VLL limit state. |
SwToTrans | SwToTrans | Process alarm occurred - change of quadrat value into Q_Trans value. |
SwToOff | SwToOff | Process alarm occurred- change of quadrat value into Q_Off (FALSE) value. |
SwToOn | SwToOn | Process alarm occurred- change quadrat value into Q_On (TRUE) value. |
SwToError | SwToErr | Process alarm occurred - change of quadrat value into Q_Err value. |
SwTrans | SwTrans | Process alarm occurred- quadrat value is Q_Trans. |
SwOff | SwOff | Process alarm occurred - quadrat value is Q_Off. |
SwOn | SwOn | Process alarm occurred - quadrat value is Q_On. |
SwError | SwErr | Process alarm occurred - quadrat value is Q_Err. |
ErrorWriteCmd | ErrWriteCmd | Error at the setting of output tags. |
Sw_ErrorCmdOn | ErrCmdOn | Error during cm_SetSwitchOn command execution. |
Sw_ErrorCmdOff | ErrCmdOff | Error during cm_SetSwitchOff command execution. |
Sw_ErrorBkpCmdOff | ErrZalCmdOff | Error during cm_SetSwitchBkpOff command execution. |
Change | Change | Process alarm occurred - change of integer or analog value. |
SysPrAl | SysProcAlarm | The special type of process alarm is used just for two objects of System variable type - SystemError and SystemWarning. |
Value limits
Label in the system | Predefined label | Cause |
Is_InLimit | InLimit | The object value is at once greater or equal to LL and less or equal to HL (LL<=values<=HL). |
Is_VL_Limit | VL_Limit | The object value is less than VLL (value<VLL). |
Is_L_Limit | L_Limit | The object value is at once greater or equal to VLL and less than LL (VLL<=value<LL). |
Is_H_Limit | H_Limit | The object value is at once greater than HL and less than VHL (HL<value<=VHL). |
Is_VH_Limit | VH_Limit | The object value is greater than VHL (VHL<value). |
Is_LimitsProblem | LimitsProblem | In the case of dynamic limits, there is a validity mismatch of the conditions: VLL<LL<HL<VHL. |
Value states
Label in the system | Predefined label | Cause |
s_val_Invalid | Invalid | Invalid object value. |
s_pa_Alarm | ProcAlarm | The state occurs in the case that the given object has an active process alarm. |
s_pa_NoAck | NoAckPAlarm | The state occurs in the case that the process alarm is not acknowledged by the operator in the D2000 HI process. |
s_pa_Blocked | PrAlSilent | The state occurs in the case that the given object has not any active process alarm, or the Silent option is enabled at the configuration of object process alarms in the D2000 CNF process. |
s_val_Weak | Weak | A weak (suspicious) value is a value not valid in the system because all the conditions of its validity are not met. |
s_val_NoAck | NoAckValue | The state occurs in the case that the last object value change is not acknowledged by the operator in the D2000 HI process. |
s_val_Transient | Transient | A transient state of the value occurs, if the command that sets the object value was executed, but backward reading has not yet verified the value setting. |
s_val_Default | Default | The default state of the object value occurs, if the I/O tag value gained by the process D2000 KOM is replaced by another value - the control object value, or is manually set by the operator in the D2000 HI process. |
s_val_Manual | Manual | The object value is in a Manual state if it is manually set by the operator in the D2000 HI process. |
s_pa_Critical | PrAlCrit | The status occurs in the case that the process alarm is defined as a critical one in the D2000 CNF process. |
s_pa_Unknown | Unknown |
Operator commands
Label in the system | Predefined label | Cause |
cm_SetDefautManual | SetDefMan | Manual setting of the object default value. |
cm_SetDefautAuto | SetDefAuto | Activation of the automatic mode of the object default value control. The default value in this mode will be copied the control object value. |
cm_SetManual | SetManual | Manual setting of output object value. |
cm_SetAuto | SetAuto | Activation of the automatic mode of the output object value control. The object value in this mode copies the control object value. |
cm_SetDefaultOff | SetDefOff | Cancel the validity of the object default value. |
cm_SetSwitchBlockAOn | SetBlockAOn | Activation of blockade A of the switch. |
cm_SetSwitchBlockAOff | SetBlockAOff | Deactivation of blockade A of the switch. |
cm_SetSwitchOn | SetSwitchOn | Switch on the switch. |
cm_SetSwitchOff | SetSwitchOff | Switch off the switch. |
cm_SetSwitchBkpOff | SetSwitchBkpOff | Backup switch off the switch. |
cm_SetSwitchBlockBOn | SetBlockBOn | Activation of blockade B of the switch. |
cm_SetSwitchBlockBOff | SetBlockBOff | Deactivation of blockade B of the switch |
cm_SetSwitchNormalOff | SetSwitchNormalOff | Set the switch to the normal state - OFF. |
cm_SetSwitchNormalOn | SetSwitchNormalOn | Set the switch to the normal state - ON. |
cm_SetSwitchNormalNone | SetSwitchNormalNone | Set the switch to the normal state - NONE. |
Alarm commands
Label in the system | Predefined label | Cause |
cm_AlarmKvit | Kvit | The alarm is acknowledged by the operator. |
cm_AlarmBlock | Block | The alarm is blocked by the operator, or the Blocked alarm option is enabled at its configuration in the D2000 CNF process. |
cm_AlarmUnblock | Unblock | The alarm is unblocked by the operator. |
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