Configuration of bitmaps

Bitmaps and JPEG, TIFF, PNG files might be added, deleted or assigned to the logical groups. To carry out these activities, select the item Bitmaps... from the menu Configuration Gr. Clicking the item opens the following selection window.

List of bitmaps

  1. Select the object you want to delete / assign to logical groups in the object list. This step is not required when you want to add new object.
  2. Select one of the buttons described below.


Add bitmap
Adds a new bitmaps.
Delete bitmap
Deletes selected bitmaps.
Assign bitmap to logical groups
Assigns selected objects to logical groups.
Close selection window
Closes the selection window.

To add bitmaps

If you want to add a new bitmap, proceed as follows:

  1. In the bitmap selection window click the button Add bitmap - Add bitmaps.
  2. In opened dialog box select file(s), you want to add and click the button Open.

Alternatively, you can drag&drop bitmap files from File Explorer to the bitmap configuration window.

To delete bitmaps

If you want to delete bitmaps, proceed as follows:

  1. In the list of bitmaps select the bitmaps you want to delete.
  2. Click the button Delete bitmap - Delete bitmaps.

If selected bitmaps are not used in any picture, the system removes them. If selected bitmap is used in the system, the system does not delete the bitmap and displays the warning message.

To assign bitmaps to logical groups

If you want the bitmaps to assign to / remove from the logical groups, proceed as follows:

  1. In the bitmap list select the bitmaps you want to assign / remove.
  2. In the selection window, click the button assign bitmap to logical groups - assign to logical groups.

It opens the dialog box allowing to carry out required operation.

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