Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


  • Line category Serial (serial communication)
  • Line category SerialOverUDP Device Redundant (serial communication).
  • Line category RFC2217 Client (serial communication).
  • Line category TCP/IP-TCP and TCP/IP-TCP Redundant (MODBUS over TCP/IP). Reserved TCP port 502 is commonly used, but it is possible to use any other one according to the setting of the device. The line number is not used, set the value e.g. to 1.
    Note: For redundant systems, it is possible to enter multiple names/addresses separated by commas.
    Note: In the case of WAGO 750-8100 type PLC and communication via MODBUS TCP, it was necessary to set a small polling period (e.g. 1 second) in the time parameters of the station. In the case of a longer period (5 seconds), the connection was closed quite often by the PLC.

Forced disconnection: If all stations on the TCP/IP-TCP or TCP/IP-TCP Redundant line are in the simulation mode or the communication is stopped for them, the line will be disconnected (the communication socket will be closed). If the simulation is disabled for at least one station and the communication is not stopped for it (the Parameters tab of Station type object), the line will be connected again.

Line protocol parameters
