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FLABackward reading of communication station values (GETOLDVAL action)
FLBCommunication with a station goes via an alternate communication path (MICROTEL 700 protocol and OPC UA Data Access Client protocols only).
FLCThis flag signalizes the non-functional communication on the primary path when using these line categories:
FLDThis flag signalizes the non-functional communication on the secondary path when using these line categories:
FLEThis flag signalizes the non-functional communication on the primary path of the B system when using the line category SerialOverUDP System&Line Redundant.
FLFThis flag signalizes the non-functional communication on the secondary path of the B system when using the line category SerialOverUDP System&Line Redundant.
FLN, FLO, FLPIf the communication with a station goes via an alternate communication path (MICROTEL 700 protocol and OPC UA Data Access Client protocols only), a combination of these flags indicates the number of the alternate communication path:
  • alternate path 1 - FLN
  • alternate path 2 - FLO
  • alternate path 3 - FLN, FLO
  • alternate path 4 - FLP
  • alternate path 5 - FLN, FLP
  • alternate path 6 - FLO, FLP
  • alternate path 7 - FLN, FLO, FLP
  • further paths - none of these flags (only FLB)

Note: in the case of the OPC UA Data Access Client protocol, the first IP address specified in the line configuration is considered as the main communication path, all other IP addresses are considered as alternate communication paths.

titleRelated pages:

Communication stations
Communication stations - configuration dialog box
