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Importing depository databases for the Sybase platform

Importing the data from depository database into the archive database can be used in two cases:


Data import is performed by the process D2000 Archiv. Start The start is activated by the TELL command:

LOAD_TREZOR path [mask] [from] [to]

pathRequired parameter - complete path to the compressed depository database (also the file name).
maskOptional parameter* - specifies the names of the archive objects, for which the data from the depository will be imported - default value is * - the archive will attempt to import data for all objects in the archive.
fromOptional parameter* - begin time for selecting the data from the depository- default value is the minimum time in the depository.
toOptional parameter* - end time for selecting the data from the depository- default value is the maximum time in the depository.

* The parameters are optional and their meaning is given by their order. It means that the mask can not be omitted if the parameter from is to be entered. 

The time format is "dd-mm-yyyy hh:mi:ss.mss". The date is required.


LOAD_TREZOR D:\Trezory\Trezor_2000_11_26_00.cdb - imports all data from the given depository for all objects in the archive.

LOAD_TREZOR D:\Trezory\Trezor_2000_11_26_00.cdb *ABC* - imports all data from the depository for the objects with name names matching the given mask.

LOAD_TREZOR D:\Trezory\Trezor_2000_11_26_00.cdb *ABC* "26-11-2000 20:00" - imports the data with the timestamp greater than 20:00 26-11-2000 for the objects with names matching the given mask.

LOAD_TREZOR D:\Trezory\Trezor_2000_11_26_00.cdb *ABC* "26-11-2000 20:00" "26-11-2000 21:00" - imports the data within the time interval from 20:00 26-11-2000 to 21:00 26-11-2000 for the objects with names matching the given mask.

Depository The depository is being imported in imported in the on-line mode with the low priority. Imported data cause the calculation of neither statistical archive objects nor updating values of archive arrays. Before importing, you should check, whether the archiving depth of the objects to be archived is sufficient. Otherwise, the archive will delete the imported data.