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Editing of all objects in the process D2000 CNF process is being performed in the configuration dialog box, a specific part of which is common for all editable objects and another part depends on the type of edited object.

Configuration The configuration dialog box of user variables consists of the following parts (tabs).

General properties
Alarm group


A text string describing the logical group. Maximum: 50 characters. If a description is typed, then the selection window will not display a the name of the logical group but this description.

Alarm group


The Alarm list window in process the D2000 HI process does not show all defined logical groups, but only so-called alarm logical groups. Alarm The alarm logical group is a group with either the option Alarm group checked in its configuration, or the option Alarm group with children checked in the configuration of at least one of its parents.


The logical group will be displayed in the list placed in the HI alarm window together with its children.

Alarm group

The logical group will be displayed in the list placed in the HI alarm window.


Setting of predefined background color and text color of logical group - by radio buttons:

  • Defined background
  • Defined text
titleRelated pages:

Logical groups
Colouring of alarm records and records in log database
