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ParameterPossible ValuesParameter Meaning

Selection of Application Help Types - NoHelp, HelpFileChm, HelpWebServerConfluence, HelpWebServerHtml, HelpSharedDir, HelpLocalApplDir, HelpLocalAnyPath

Set the location of the help by type SrvApplHelpType.
Default application help page. It is entered in the form: "html\main_page.htm" (mandatory form for type HelpFileChm). F for html helps "main_page" is enough..
SrvD2000HelpTypeHelpWebIPSSelection of help types for D2000 - HelpWebIPS, HelpWebServerHtml, HelpSharedDir, HelpLocalD2000Dir, HelpLocalAnyPath
SrvD2000HelpPathhttps://doc.ipesoft.com/label/D2DOCVSet the location of the help by type SrvD2000HelpType.


Key WordMeaningSrvD2000HelpPath - Help location settings
HelpWebIPSIpesoft webserver (Confluence). Current help available on the website of Ipesoft Ltd. It is continuously updated.

The path is defined by the text "https://doc.ipesoft.com/label/D2DOCV" and cannot be changed. The following is added to the final destination path as follows: the D2000 version is added to the path, e.g.: 11 and the help language e.g.: SK.

Example of final location: https://doc.ipesoft.com/label/D2DOCV21SK/


Web server (HTML). Help is available through some websites.

The path leads to an Internet address. It must be entered.

E.g.: https://MyPages/help

The physical location is completed as follows: the help language is added to the path, e.g.: SK + keyword label

Example of the final location: https://MyPages/help/SK/label/


Shared directory (HTML). Help directory located on a network drive common to multiple D2000 consoles that have access to it.

The path points to any location on the network drive. It must be entered.

E.g.: S:\D2000_HELP.

The physical location is completed as follows: the help language is added to the path, e.g.: SK + keyword label

Example of final location: S:\D2000_HELP\SK\label\...

HelpLocalD2000DirHELP installation directory D2000 (HTML)

The path points to the location referenced by the D2000 installation and cannot be changed.

E.g.: C:\D2000\D2000_V11.2.57\D2000_EXE\HELP.

The physical location is completed as follows: the help language is added to the path, e.g.: SK + keyword label

Example of the final location: C:\D2000\D2000_V11.2.57\D2000_EXE\HELP\SK\label\...


Local Directory (HTML). A help directory located on a local or network drive that can be accessed by the D2000 console.

The path points to any location on the local disk. It must be entered.

E.g.: C:\D2000_HELP.

The physical location is completed as follows: the help language is added to the path, e.g.: SK + keyword label

Example of final location: C:\D2000_HELP\SK\label\...
