Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


Information window of an object of Value array type consists of two tabs.

Object status and control
Object information

Object status and control


Object status dialog windowImage Modified

1Object name.
2Object description.
3Current value and technical units of the object.
4Value time.
5Flags (attributes) of the object value. There are displayed the names of flags, the value of which is TRUE.
6Items of the value array.

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Edit objectu. Only when process CNF is running.

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Inserts the controlled object into current page of the Browser if opened. If it is not opened then clicking the button will open it and insert the controlled object into its first page.
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Copies the object name to Clipboard.