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Installation on Windows OS

Installation of JRE 1.8

The SmartWeb platform is implemented in the Java EE, that is why it needs for its running also installed and configured Java Runtime Environment version 8.


  1. Downloading and installing the newest JRE 1.8 from oracle.com.
  2. Setting of the system environment variable JAVA_HOME to root directory where the JRE was installed.
  3. For the use of stronger cipher suites in the HTTPS protocol, it is necessary to download the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) files and copy them to the lib/security directory of JRE. It is possible to skip this step if it is not necessary to configure the HTTPS protocol.

Installation of Wildfly AS and the SmartWeb Application

Installation steps for the Wildfly application server are the following: 

  1. Unpacking installation files - in the installation directory D2000 - D2000_EXE/web, there are zip installation files of the application server Wildfly (wildfly.zip) and also Java EE applications SmartWeb (smartweb.zip) and tutorial of the Javascript application (tutorial-application.zip). It is necessary to unzip all these archives into the same directory. 
  2. Installing the application server Wildfly - by running installation script D2000_EXE/web/installWildfly.bat, the application server is automatically installed as Windows Service with the name: D2000 SmartWeb.
  3. Installing the SmartWeb Java EE application - by running installation script D2000_EXE/web/installSmartWeb.bat, the SmartWeb application is automatically deployed also with the predefined configuration of the Javascript tutorial application to an application server.
  4. Importing to D2000 - the process SELF.DCS with the basic configuration D2Connector and a configuration of objects for Javascript tutorial application from D2000_EXE/web/install_files/D2000 directory.  
  5. Running of SELF.DCS (D2Connector) and the application server Wildfly (through the service.exe application)
  6. Opening of the tutorial application in a browser - for example http://localhost:8080/smartWeb.

Installation on Linux OS (Ubuntu)

Installation of JRE 1.8

The SmartWeb platform is implemented in the Java EE, and that is why it needs for its running installed and configured Java Runtime Environment version 8. On Linux, we can install by the commands through package manager under the root user. For the Ubuntu distribution, the commands are the following: 


Blok kódu
apt install oracle-java8-unlimited-jce-policy 

Installation of Wildfly AS and the SmartWeb Application

Installation steps for the Wildfly application server are the following: 


7. Opening of the tutorial application in a browser - for example the address:  http://localhost:8080/smartWeb.

The use of ports 80/443 for the Wildfly server on Linux

The general difference between configuration on Linux and Windows is that on Linux, the process of the application server cannot occupy directly ports  80/443 (HTTP/HTTPS) for security. It is solved by redirecting default ports 8080/8443 through IPTABLES in the following manner:
