Porovnávané verzie


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  • Oracle Database (versions 9i, 10g, 11g, 12c, 18c, 19c)
    Note: We recommend applying available patches of Oracle client as well as Oracle ODBC driver - older versions of Oracle client/driver suffered from various errors (handle leaks, instability, etc.).
  • Microsoft SQL Server (versions 2000 - 2005)
  • Microsoft Access (versions 2000 - XP)
  • PostgreSQL (versions 9.x and above). D2000 Dbmanager supports a /NQ startup parameter to better support PostgreSQL (case sensitivity in table and column names).
    Note 1: in the configuration of ODBC drivers for PostgreSQL, we recommend setting the "Level of rollback on errors" parameter to Statement. The Nop setting makes the database connection unusable after any error.  The Transaction setting will cause some actions to behave non-standardly (e.g. a DB(S)_INSUPD action inserting several rows will not insert anything if an error occurs while inserting any of the rows).
    Note 2: in the ODBC driver configuration for PostgreSQL, we recommend setting the "Max Varchar" parameter to a large enough value (larger than the maximum size of VARCHAR columns), otherwise the data may be truncated during page access. Similarly, we recommend setting the "Max LongVarchar" parameter to a sufficiently large value (larger than the maximum VARCHAR data size used in columns whose size is not explicitly specified).
    Note 3: in the configuration of ODBC drivers for PostgreSQL, we recommend leaving the "bytea as LO" parameter checked for correct work with BLOBs (DB_READ_BLOB, DB_UPDATE_BLOB).
  • Sybase Anywhere (versions 6 - 12)
  • Informix (driver version, check a Scrollable Cursors option on Advanced tab and set Cursor Behavior to value "1 - Preserve"  on Environment tab)
  • Firebird (version 2.0.4, native ODBC driver or driver from GM - Software)
    Note 1: Native ODBC driver (version doesn't enable editing in paged mode (browser in HI, actions PG*). Seemingly editing works but no data are modified in the database.
    Note 2: ODBC driver from GM - Software supports editing and inserting rows in paged mode, but it displays only the first row of the table.
