Porovnávané verzie


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  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


All parameters of the DBS_* actions are identical with to the parameters of the DB_* actions, except the first parameter. The first parameter of the actions DB_* is always the handle to a table that is acquired when opening the table using the DB_CONNECT action. For the DB_* actions, this parameter is substituted by the reference to a Database table type object.

An advantage of the DBS_* actions when working with a table is the possibility to leave out closing and opening the table (a shorter declaration). On the other hand, a disadvantage is in the speed. Every calling a DBS_*action, within the frame of its handler in the process the D2000 DBManager process, results in the need to open and then close the database (it may be a time-consuming operation) and represents, in terms of databases, relatively a nonstandard method. This method can be eliminated to a certain extent by an appropriate setting of the optimization.
The need to open and close the database may be avoided in the scope of transaction processing, so that the command is followed by the parameter

Blok kódu

_transHandle_Int, where _transHandle_Int is the identifier of the Connection to a database.

titleRelated pages:

Script actions
