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CNT_FIND action


Blok kódu
CNT_FIND _hContainer, _key, _value, bFound

_hContainerinIdentifier of Int type - data container.
_keyinIdentifier of value in the container.
_valueoutValue in container, if the value of the parameter _bFound is @TRUE, otherwise the value of the parameter remains unchanged.
_bFoundout@TRUE - value exists in the container.
@FALSE - value doesn't exist in the container.
The action finds the value specified by the parameter _key in the data container and returns inserts it in into the _value parameter _value. 
If the container doesn't contain a value with specified key, the parameter the  _bFound parameter gets the value of @FALSE and the value of the parameter _value remains unchanged.
If the container contains a value with specified key, _bFound gets the value of @TRUE and the required value is returned in the parameter _value.

As container may contain various types of values, the parameter _value must be of proper type, otherwise execution of the script is to be stopped.

titleRelated pages:

Script actions