Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


I/O tag addressI/O tag typeMeaning
NETTOAiNet weight in kg.
Note: If a scale reports the unsteady status (see I/O tag STEADY), the I/O tag will be Invalid.
TARAAiTare in kg.
Note: If a scale reports the unsteady status (see I/O tag STEADY), the I/O tag will be Invalid.
DiInformation on whether a scale status is steady (True) or unsteady (False).
ZERODiInformation on whether a scale shows zero weight (True) or not (False).
RANGECiScale range: 0, 1 or 2 according to the EN 45510 standard
KEYCODETxtIKeystroke(s) read from the keyboard.
Note: After reading keystroke(s) from a keyboard, they are deleted from a keyboard buffer so that during the next reading from the scale, this I/O tag is set to Invalid (unless the ND parameter is set). Therefore, it is necessary to handle keystrokes within an ESL script.
BARCODETxtIEAN-code read from a bar-code reader.
Note: After reading a bar-code from a bar-code reader, it is deleted from the reader so that during the next reading from the scale, this I/O tag is set to Invalid (unless the ND parameter is set). Therefore, it is necessary to handle bar-codes within an ESL script.
DISPLAYTxtOThe I/O tag that is used for communication with a monochromatic display on the scale. The string must consist of binary data in the format which is defined in the manual from a producer.
The message format is <XH>&ltXL>&ltYH>&ltYL>&ltWH>&ltWL>&ltHH>&ltHL>&ltdata><XH><XL><YH><YL><WH><WL><HH><HL><data>, where:
  • XH - high byte for X-axis (binary)
  • XL - low byte for X-axis (binary)
  • YH - high byte for Y-axis (binary)
  • YL - low byte for Y-axis (binary)
  • WH -high byte for the width of bitmap (binary)
  • WL - low byte for the width of bitmap (binary)
  • HH - high byte for the height of bitmap (binary)
  • HL - low byte for the height of bitmap (binary)
  • data - binary data of the bitmap
  • X-axis and bitmap width must be divisible by 8.
  • Coordinates of the upper left corner of the display are X=0, Y=0. Coordinates of the lower right corner of the display are X=239, Y=63.
  • One byte of data describes a group of eight pixels in one line of the display. So, from the coordinates (0,0) to (7,0) one byte is required, the highest bit of which describes a pixel (0,0) and the lowest bit a pixel  (7,0).
  • The whole display can be described by (240/8) * 64 = 1920 bytes. However, the maximum length of the UDP packet is 1500 bytes, i.e. if the whole display must be redrawn, it is necessary to send more requests (e.g. the first half of the display and the second half of the display).
