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NameMeaningUnitDefault value
IDThe identifier in text format, which is, in dependence on ID type, converted to the required native type.String
ID typeEnumerated types of identifiers. They help to access the objects in  OPC UA address space.
Numeric-1B ID: Identifier limited to 1-byte value (0-255)
Numeric-2B ID: Identifier limited to 2-byte value (0-65535)
Numeric-4B ID: 4-byte identifier
String: Text identifier
Guid -16B ID: 16-byte (128-bit) number that is usually divided into four parts. For example 3F2504E0-4F89-11D3-9A0C-0305E82C3301.
ByteString: Identifier that is represented as a sequence of bytes.
Numeric-1B ID / Numeric-2B ID/ Numeric-4B ID/String/Guid -16B ID/ByteStringUndefined
Numerical identifier of namespace of OPC UA server. Each OPC UA server can have N namespaces. However, the object identifier must be unique in one namespace.Numeric
Variable typeThe value type of objects that can be processed by OPC UA client. Variable type should be used only if I/O tag is intended for writing. As regards the reading of the object value, the information about type is sent together with the value.Undefined / Boolean / Byte / SByte / Integer16 / Unsigned16 / Integer32 / Unsigned32 / Integer64 / Unsigned64 / Float / Double / String / UTC Time / Boolean array / Byte array / SByte array / Integer16 array / Unsigned16 array / Integer32 array / Unsigned32 array / Integer64 array / Unsigned64 array / Float array / Double array / String array / UTC Time array / LocalizedText / LocalizedText arrayUndefined
Array indexIf the object value is represented as a value array (Boolean array / Byte array / SByte array / Integer16 array / Unsigned16 array / Integer32 array / Unsigned32 array / Integer64 array / Unsigned64 array / Float array / Double array / String array / UTC Time array), the parameter defines its range or value of a particular item. The first element of array is identified by index 0.
A text representation of array index may be in several formats:
  • Separate integer, e.g. "6" or "0":- when you want to obtain a single value from the array.
  • Two integers separated by a colon, e.g. "6:7", - if you want to obtain the range of values.
  • The expression separated by a comma in case of a multidimensional array, e.g. "6,7" - when you want to obtain the particular value of the item of a 2D array. If you want to define the a range, you should use the expression expressions separated by semi-colona comma , e.g. "6:8,7:10".
Write onlyIt controls if the I/O tag is a part of subscription. Its value will be sent periodically from the server in "Publish message".Unchecked/checkedUnchecked
Expanded Node IDIf it is checked, it enables to address the ExpandedNodeId. Unlike the classic identifier in the OPC UA address space, ExpandedNodeId is supplemented by NameSpace URI and Server index.Unchecked/checkedUnchecked
NamespaceUriText identifier of the namespace of the OPC UA server that is used instead of the numerical representation of a namespace.String
ServerIndexA numerical identifier that addresses the server number when using the  ExpandedNodeID identifier.Numeric0
