Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


When using the protocols that support sending the values with the timestamps, the timestamps are to be replaced by the current time of the D2000 system (time of the computer with the running process D2000 KOM).
Note: if the start parameter / F is not set to 0 (and therefore watchdog messages are sent between D2000 Server and D2000 KOM processes), the time of D2000 Server process is transmitted within periodic watchdog messages. The D2000 KOM process then calculates the difference between the local time and the D2000 Server time and corrects the local time stamps by this difference. That is, it effectively uses the D2000 Server time (and so do other D2000 processes). But it also means that if the jumps on the computer where D2000 KOM is running (e.g. due to time synchronization), this fact will be detected D2000 KOM only after receiving the next watchdog message. Therefore, it is recommended to correct the computer time not in one step, but by gradual approximation (i.e. using NTP clients that support such synchronization, e.g. Windows Time Synchronizer).

Use monotonic UTC time +
