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D2000 system V12.00 requires these minimal conditions for its operation:

  • Windows 7 operation / Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system or higher
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher

D2000 installation program automatically installs:


  • Sybase SQL Anywhere 12.0 Standalone Server and higher. Sybase SQL Anywhere 12 is required since the version D2000 9.1 (see *).
  • MS SQL 2000 or higher or freely usable MSDE 2000, SQL Server 2005 Express, SQL Server 2008 Express, SQL Server 2008 R2 Express
  • ORACLE 9.0 or higherhigher (for archiving).
    Note: Starting with D2000 version 12, Oracle is not supported as a configuration and monitoring database.
  • PostgreSQL 9.5 or higher. After installation it is recommended to modify configuration parameters of PostgreSQL.
