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Configuration of the process D2000 Archiv contains a configured time period TrezorPeriod, during which the process writes data to one depository database. When this period elapses, the database is released and the system starts storing data into new database. The released database is available for storing delayed data for a defined time (configuration parameter TrezorCompressTime). After this time the database is compressed by Sybase tools and moved to directory specified by configuration parameter TrezorCompressPath. The name of compressed database contains end time of the repository database (e.g. Trezor_2008_03_20_16.cdb).

Note: Compression of Sybase databases is implemented by supported versions Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere 6 to 9. Starting with the version Sybase SQL Anywhere 12, the utility for database compression does not exist any more and compressed databases are considered to be an obsolete. Therefore if you use Sybase SQL Anywhere 11, the depository databases are not being compressed but they remain in directory specified by configuration parameter TrezorCompressPath, as files .db and .log (e.g. Trezor_2010_02_04_07.db and Trezor_2010_02_04_07.log).


Depository database is implemented as an independent database. Names of depository databases are defined by configuration parameter PG_TrezorName0.
Similarly to Sybase, the configuration of the process D2000 Archiv contains a configured time period TrezorPeriod, during which the process writes data to one depository database. When this period elapses, the database is released and the process starts storing values into a new database. The released database is available for storing delayed data for a given time (configuration parameter TrezorCompressTime). After expiration of this time, a default read-only access is configured for the database (ALTER DATABASE APLIKACIA_TREZOR_#ID# SET default_transaction_read_only = true) and then if value of parameter TrezorCompressOffline=1, access to depository database is forbidden (update pg_database set datallowconn = false where datname = 'APLIKACIA_TREZOR_#ID#'). After disconnecting a depository database, it is possible to run an external program - its name and path to it is defined by the parameter TrezorPostCompressCmd and its parameters are defined by the parameter TrezorPostCompressPar.
This program can for example move and compress a disconnected depository database or create a dump of read-only depository database via PostgreSql utility pg_dump .
Note 1: In order for a database user dba (used by D2000 Archiv to connect to PostgreSQL server), to create and disconnect the databases, it is recommended to grant dba user a superuser privilege ( ALTER ROLE dba WITH SUPERUSER; ).
Note 2: As every depository database (resp. every depository database segment) is a separate database, which is accessed by D2000 Archiv via a separate database connection, it is necessary to configure PostgreSQL server to permit sufficient number of connections (parameter max_connections), for D2000 Archiv to open connection to all mounted depository databases.
